Part Thirteen

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                "Nice practice, boys," Coach barked as we circled around him, huffing and panting after a hard practice. "We've got a big game next week so I don't want to hear about anyone partying this weekend, you got it? Zero tolerance on that. I'm serious. Your body's need to be in top form."

               "Yes, Coach," the team chorused back.

"Alright. Hit the showers."

               Feeling a burning at the back of my neck, I faked a stretch so I could peek a glance over my shoulder. My eyes met Will's almost instantly, and he smirked before I could turn away. I could already imagine the plan formulating in his mind, something incriminating that would really push Coach over the edge. Anything to get me off the team.

As usual, I hung back, but my fingers fiddled with the zipper of my bag more than usual.

I had been thinking a lot lately. Shawna had been filling my head with her words about starting over and not letting my past define me, and it had inspired me to do something about it.

I wasn't happy with the way things were, but it didn't have to stay that way. I could do something about it, and I was going to. I just had to work up the nerve to actually--

                "You done staring at nothing, Harris?"

               I jumped at Coach's voice. "Uh, yeah. Sorry. I just wanted to..." I swallowed, wondering why the words were suddenly so hard to get out. "Talk."

                He looked as though he'd been waiting for it, but I wasn't about to tell him about my troubles with the guys. Coach was a good guy, but it wasn't like we were buddies.

               "Go ahead," he nodded, busy jotting something down on his clipboard.

"I uh," I coughed to clear my throat. "I want to quit the team."

My words caused his attention to snap up. "What was that?"

"I don't want to play on the team anymore, Coach."

Coach gave me a look over, "If this is because of Graham and the others..."

      So he did suspect something was going on. I considered blurting it all out right there, telling him the whole truth, but I didn't want to be that guy. As much as I disliked Will, the idea of ruining his last football season didn't sit well with me. He was a good player, honestly, and getting him kicked off the team (which I'm sure Coach would do if he knew about everything) would only make the whole team suffer.

Even though I'd like to make him hurt for everything he's done to me, I knew that ultimately, that wasn't the right thing to do. I needed to choose to be a better person. And besides, this wasn't even about him. 

                "No, Coach. This is for me."

                He lifted an eyebrow, "Are you sure, Mark?"

                 "I'm sure. This isn't what I want for myself right now. I hope you don't mind."

                Coach looked troubled, like he knew there was more to the story but also didn't want to get too involved. Eventually, he let out a heavy sigh, "You're my best middle linebacker."

                I smiled. "Lee has a lot of potential though."

                He rubbed at his head, "How about this? You stay until after the big game against the Bobcats, and then you can go. Give yourself some time to change your mind."

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