Only smiles 😊🤗

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Dev's POV:

I was shattered the minute I heard her speaking on the phone call!!!

I wanted to literally throw everything in front of me... Bash my head into every wall...punch every single person I saw...

I was raging like a bull...

I somehow managed to convince Pragati that I'm leaving...

I rushed into my cabin...

Closed all the curtains...

Switched off all the lights and sat in the dark!!!
.I didn't want anything disturbing me...

I don't know why tears started flowing down my eyes...


She has moved on!!!

She has someone in her life...

But ...

Why am I reacting like this...


I.... Must be happy for her!!!

She has finally found her true love...

She is in a better space now...



I am happy................... for her!!!

Just then I got a call from Lankesh reminding me about the meeting.

I quickly got up washed my face and went to the meeting room.

I couldn't concentrate on anything except the turmoil inside my head!!!

Soon I saw the meeting room door open and she took the seat opposite to me...

She looked so innocent sucking that straw!!!

Behave Dev!!!

She is someone else's... She!!!

I had this turmoil inside me while I kept staring at her...

Suddenly I started feeling sick...

I rushed into washroom and puked!!!

I felt better post that!

While I was sitting inside the cabin...

She came in and asked me to the eat her tiffin...

I looked at her and denied...

But she was adamant and hellbent she literally convinced me!!!

She fed me...

I had tears in my eyes...

I poured my guilt out and apologized for every stupidity I did!!!

She accepted my apology...

She agreed to get rid of that 'Mr Kapoor' subject line...

I was glad...

I don't know if we could ever be friends but atleast we could be like normal colleagues!!!

Soon I finished her tiffin...

While she kept lecturing me on life health but then I was shocked when she said that I must take care of my daughter...

My eyes widened in shock 😳

'Which daughter?' I asked

To which she said...

'Your daughter!!!'

I was shocked 😲

'Which is this daughter of mine that I'm unaware of🤨'

Poles apart... Hate or Love? (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now