iii. The Boys Are Back

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Los Angeles2020

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Los Angeles

Sitting in the loft of the studio, Angelina hums Now or Never as she fiddles with the angel wing necklace that Luke had gotten her. Sometimes she sits up there and goes through the boys' stuff. Doing this makes her feel like they are there with her. She reaches into one of the bags, she hadn't gone through yet, and pulls a CD out.

When she sees that the CD is Sunset Curve's demo, she opens it. She pulls out the sleeve of the CD and stares at the picture of the band. A smile appears on her face as a stray tear escapes from her eye. She puts the sleeve back into the CD case and closes it. She sets the demo down on the floor of the loft before reaching back into the bag.

She pauses, however, when she hears the doors of the studio open. She looks to see who opened the doors and finds Julie standing in the doorway of the studio. Julie walks in and goes over to the light switch. She turns the lights on and looks around the studio. When she glances over toward the loft, Angelina quickly ducks down so that Julie can't see her. Julie walks over to the piano and takes the white sheet off, exhaling shakily. At this point, Angelina poofs away to Julie's room, to give the girl some privacy while going through her mother's stuff.

Julie walks over to the piano bench as she drags her fingers along the top of the piano. On the bench, she notices sheet music with a journal laying next to it. She picks them up and sets them on top of the piano. Julie sits down on the bench and sighs. She then inhales deeply as she looks up, "I'm so sorry, mom. That I haven't been here."

She gets up from the piano and walks away from it. Julie looks up at the loft before making her way over to the ladder. She climbs up the ladder and looks around at all of the boys' stuff. She notices the demo laying on the floor of the loft. She picks it up and climbs back down the ladder.

As she walks over to the CD player, she takes the CD out of its case. Once Julie reaches the player, she puts the CD in before placing the demo case on top of the machine. She walks over to the couch and sits down as the music starts playing. She lightly touches the teacup on the table before resting her hands on her knees.

1, 2, 3

Take off

Julie starts nodding her head to the music.

Last stop
Countdown til we blast open the top
Face first

Julie then hears louds screams that sound like they are coming from the speakers. As the screams get louder, she covers her ears.

Full charge
Electric hammer to the heart

The song stops playing as three guys appear out of nowhere and fall onto the floor. Julie gasps and jumps to her feet. The three boys lay on the floor, groaning loudly. They cough and gasp for air as they slowly stand up from the ground. "Whoa," the boy with the shaggy brown hair says. The boy with the blonde hair runs his hand through his hair before putting his hat back onto his head. The boy with the shaggy hair gasps for air once again as he looks around the studio before saying in a lighter tone, "Whoa!" He scrunches up his face and lifts his hand to point to the roof before swinging his arm back down to his side. "How did we get back here?" he asks the two boys standing on either side of him.

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