The Docks

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Dorian and Rosemary met each other at the docks in the morning and had immediately started helping out. "You two!" Agatha shouted at them over the sound of the wind. "Please get the crates from the back and start serving. Thank you for coming."

In the end, Rosemary and Dorian were in-charge of pouring stew for the people in need and giving them bread to eat. Even though the morning was very cold, it felt warm to see a smile and hear a 'thank you' from the people they were helping out.

"This is actually really good. Thank you for thinking of me." Dorian told her.

"I'm glad you feel that way!" She said. "It is just a way of giving back to the people who are really in need. What are we even going to do with what we have?"

"That's very wise. And I agree. Do you do this very often?"

"Every week. Since Agatha organises events, every time that there is excess food, we bring it down here and distribute it among the needy. Her charities help fund this."

"I'm honoured to be a part of it." Dorian said and Rosemary looked at him.

"We try to do it as often as possible." She said, trying not to make the situation awkward. "We even feed the homeless children. Or at least, we used to until you gave them a roof over their head." She looked gratefully at him.

"It was my pleasure." He said. "I couldn't believe that I hadn't thought about it before. So thank you for opening my eyes."

"I hope I'm not imposing on you." She added after a while.

"Not at all!" He said genuinely. "I need to do this more often."

"It's just that I know that uptown parties and events must look like they are important but-"

"Don't worry, Rose. I'm doing this out of my own interest and you are not imposing anything on me." He assured her.

"There are two more crates, dears." Agatha informed them as their supply reduced. "Thank you so much for all your help."

"Of course, Agatha." Both of them said at the same and then smiled at one another.

Once they were done, they headed back to their coaches to find Victor and Mr. David deep in conversation. So, Dorian and Rosemary decided not to disturb them and walked further down the street to one of the valleys on her suggestion.

Dorian knew that that was the best time to talk properly to her but once again, that opportunity was taken by Rosemary. "Dorian, I think we need to talk."

He was taken aback as that was the same thing that he was going to tell her. "Is everything okay?" He asked her.

"Yes, I think they are." She said as they walked the edge of the river. "I wanted to tell you that we were very quick in becoming friends." His eyebrows knitted together as she really was stealing his lines. "And because of that, I feel like I need to get this out."

She took a deep breath. "Dorian." She said. "I do not think that I am going to stay in London in a few months."

"What?" That was not at all what he was expecting to hear. He had stopped walking in the sudden news and so had she.

"The painting that you saw me working on that day in the park was actually so that I can move to France. London is not the place where I want to settle down. No one accepts me here and I don't really want to stay here." She said in one breath.

"But-" He was left speechless.

"I know." She nodded. "Which is why I needed to tell you. The past few months have been really great. You gave me a place to belong to." There was a change of tone in her voice.

"Does that-" He wondered. "Does that mean that you are considering staying?" He asked with all his hopes up high.

She shrugged. "I don't know. But I am reconsidering it." She said. "I have finished my painting and I only have to send it in. Maybe I can be happy here but all my life, my main goal has been to get out of here."

"Rosemary, would you like to have tea with me?" He blurted out before she could say anything else. "Today?"

"Dorian, is everything okay?" She asked as she noticed him stiffen up.

"I need to tell you something but I cannot. Not here." He had heard enough from her. Rosemary couldn't leave before hearing his side of the story and she needed to hear what he had to say. "Will you meet me at three in the afternoon?"

"Uh, sure." It was Rosemary's turn to be taken aback. She didn't know what came over Dorian because he had become very serious all of a sudden.

"Let's head back. I'll make the arrangements for us to meet. Please come." He pleaded.

"Dorian, you are scaring me a little bit." She gave a shaky laughter.

"I need to tell you something very important and it is something that you have to hear."

"Can't you tell me now?"

"Not now. I need to...I need to say the right words before-" He was struggling for words when Rosemary touched his arm and said that she understood.

"I'll be there. You can count on it."

That afternoon, she changed into a white lace dress and wore a shawl around her. She informed her family that Dorian had invited her over for tea when Basil started behaving strangely.

"Basil? Do you know what it is about?" She asked him.

"I cannot tell you anything about it." He admitted. "But just know that I know about it."

"But what is it?" She wondered.

"You'll have to hear it from Dorian himself."

In fact, Basil had encouraged Dorian as to whatever was going to happen over tea. Dorian had confided in him about it and Basil was more than happy about it. But I'll explain more of that in the coming chapter.

Rosemary squinted her eyes at her brother. "Fine." She said. "I will."

The Redeemed Soul [Dorian Gray]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang