SIX: Prisoners

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(23rd May, 2011)

"No she's definitely still breathing." Hershel's voice sounded, I open my eyes to see most of the group hovering over me. "Ah! What the hell?" I asked angrily as I scooted away from them, "it's time to go on our run, you're eyes were closed, I thought you were dead." Glenn admitted, "yeah, it's called sleeping." I drew in a deep breath, and rolled back my shoulders to calm myself down. "Since when do you sleep?" Carl questioned, I rolled my eyes with a small smile playing on my lips, "since there's cell doors stopping anything from getting at Naomi or Noel." I flung my legs over the edge of the bed, I slide my feet into my boots and laced them up.

"Give me a minute to wake up and get ready." I told Glenn as I ushered everyone out of my cell, I stretched, grabbed my bow and tied up my hair. "Noel?" I call out and the young boy rushes in to see what's wrong. "Just wanted to say goodbye while I go on a run with Glenn." I kneeled down to his height, and pulled into a hug as we both told each other in a whisper to stay alive. "Where's Naomi?" "With Daryl, he's giving her breakfast." I smile.

Noel leads me out of the cell and towards Daryl, "thank you so much Daryl, I needed that." Daryl smiled and nodded at me. I give Naomi a kiss on the forehead, "I'll be back soon, sweetie. Stay Alive." Naomi nods before giggling, "Noel will take her when you get fed up of her or need to do something." Daryl nodded as he continued to hold Naomi as she ate. "Ready Glenn?" He nods as he kisses Maggie goodbye, "don't worry, I'll keep him safe." Maggie chuckles as she gives me a high five.

"Noel behave!" I call back to him as Glenn leads me out of the cell block. "You'll have to drive, I'm not a motorcycle guy." Glenn admits as I settle the bike, "that's ok, I can teach you along the way." I hop onto the bike, Glenn gets on behind me, "you'll need to hold on, I'm a speeder." Glenn chuckles as he holds onto the bike tighter before we took off.

We pull up to my first trap, "how do you know where you left your traps? All the trees look the same." I pointed to a tree that had NLM carved into it. "NLM?" Glenn questions, "it's my initials as well as Noel and Naomi's. Nyx Louise Martin, Noel Lee Martin and Naomi Linn Martin." I informed him as I threw the camouflaged tarp over the bike before heading into the Forrest. "How'd you learn how to do this?" Glenn questioned as the trap came into view, it was skunk, by was I mean a walker was currently eating, "fuck sake." I mumble as I kill the walker and pick up the trap, moving it closer to the edge of the Forrest and away from the walker. "I'm self-taught, I read about things and then use them." "And you really think that reading about treating an arrow wound will help you in real life?" I nodded, "it worked for a stab wound, why not an arrow?" Glenn looks at me as if to say he didn't believe me. I showed him the same scar I showed Daryl back in the house, "how?" "The man Noel killed." I shrugged and moved onto my next trap. It was walker free and had a Badger. I heard a twig break, I quickly armed my bow before seeing that it was Daryl coming towards us.

Daryl eyes moved from our feet to our faces, "why are you tracking us?" I question him, as I checked the Badger for any bites or scratches. "I convinced Rick that three of us knowing your trap locations would be better than two." "Well Noel knows their locations, so now there's four of us." Daryl shrugged, I ignored him and continued to walk, "I might as well invite everyone out and we can do a little treasure hunt." I spoke sarcastically before a snap sounded right next to me and a walker was coming at me, in seconds I had my knife in my hand and then into its skull.

I look up to see where he came from, and Daryl was already shooting walkers down. There was at least twenty of them, I began flinging arrows into the walkers, Glenn covered a few of the close range ones. Once they were all done, I went around collecting my arrows, "why the left eye?" Glenn questions, he seems to be asking a lot of questions, "Something my gran used to say, 'when a person cries and the first drop comes from the right eye it's out of happiness, and if comes from the left eye it's because of pain.' She used to joke that without a left eye, we wouldn't feel pain." "so killing them by shooting their left eye is like you're taking their pain away." Glenn smiles as I nod and continue to move forward.

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