Chapter 1

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"He is of great wealth," Your father said, "there is no greater match in England". You look at your father over your cup of tea and look at your mother who looked down. She never had much of an opinion. Unlike you.

You went to an all-girls school, leaving with top marks you soon left to a finishing school where you learnt about women's rights and issues. This meant you were clever but also knew when to hold your tongue and when to speak.

"And when am I to meet him?" you ask

"There is a party tomorrow" he said. "I will introduce you to him. You are to be reserved and tame" he flashed you a stare. "And you will be"

You pout slightly and roll your eyes. "Yes, father" you say and sip tea. (hehe is me).

"Do not give me sass," he said. "There is a dress upstairs for you. Go and try it." he commands.

"Of course father" you say and put your tea down you go upstairs and see a very expensive dress

You pick it up and place it in the wardrobe. You go under your bed and fetch out an Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy Bentham. It was a piece of feminist literature which if your father found you would be punished so you kept it under your bed. Not to be seen by any but you.

You start reading it and when you hear a step on the stairs you push it under the bed and look up as your mother enters your room.

"Be happy that your father has found a suitor" she said. "You will find a place and security" you nod and she smiles. "Being married isn't too bad"

You nod again and smile as she gives you a smile before walking out. Shaking your head you go back to the book. Dreading tomorrow. You took the book back out and started to read it again. You wanted to make a change in the world, not be tied down to a man and children, but you had no choice. Your father had made up his mind.

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