road less travelled

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C a s s i a n

The headache hasn't left me and it's been hours. I even had to make Claude stop for three hours for me to sleep in a little bit because it was unbearable and with the car moving, I felt like I was being taken to the afterlife.

But it only worsened because I had the same dream and woke up sweating with my heart ready to jump out of my chest.

I woke up screaming out, trying to reach this person I don't even know. In this particular dream, she sounded the worst. She was having a hard time. Years ago, when she cried, she used to ask for someone to help her.

But she stopped asking for help for a long time now. It must've been because no one ever came.

The thought that I'm not able to help whoever she is has been frustrating me for years now and sometimes, there's even guilt. But how can I help her if I don't even know who she is and where she is.

I have no idea who she is. Hannah of Panselinos, Ian's mate told me once that she is the fourth warrior and possibly my mate, but I don't really know.

I don't really want to hold onto false hopes.

And if she really is my mate and she's going through all of these then I will have to make sure that those hurting her like this will have to pay for it ten times.

The road back to our pack was only supposed to take 5 hours, but I had Claude stop for three hours so it was taking longer. I slept in the car while the two of them went on a date at a human mall. As we were driving back, we saw a checkpoint.

"What seems to be the case here, officer?" Claude asks the human dressed in a uniform.

The police officer took a peek inside the car as he bended down. "Sorry, fellas, this road is closed for construction, you'll have to turn back and take another way." he says.

That irritated me. I'm desperate to go home and this happens? Road closed?

I glared at the man dangerously, I stretched my neck, my wolf was irritated too and wanted to come out. Claude looked at me from the rearview mirror, he must have noticed that I was having a struggle with my wolf. He smiled to the officer, thanking him and quickly reversed to make a U-turn.

"We're almost home, Cassian. Just bear with it for a bit." he says.

"Ridiculous. The other road takes half an hour more."

"I'll step on the gas."

"Make it quick, for goodness' sake." I say and lay back again wondering why the pain won't go away.

The nightmares have been progressively getting worse, but this, by far, is the worst one yet.

After going back and making a detour, a few minutes of driving took us to a small human town. The smell of humans was making me even more nauseous. Not that it was a bad smell, it was just too crazy.

We rarely took this road on the way to our pack because it took longer and had too many turns that's not too convenient. And besides, I never liked passing by here. 

The town was just eerie, it never gave off the friendly feeling, it always felt cold and grey.

After about 10 minutes, Claude decided to make a stop at a gas station and we all had to hold our nose for a while because gasoline smell was too strong for our nose. When Claude came back, he handed me an energy drink.

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