Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

It's been about 4 months in this house. I'm usually home alone. I go into the library and read all day. But my birthday was in a few days. I'm finally Turing 16. I guess I'll just celebrate by myself. It's not like they really care or anything.

"Y/n!" I heard Toga yell as she busted into the library.

She scared the shit out of me.

"Yea?" I replied.

"Pack your stuff! We're going back." She yelled.

And with that she was gone. Going back? Did she mean going back to UA? I closed the book that I was reading and went upstairs to my room and Dabi was already there. I wouldn't say that me and Dabi were in a relationship. He would always kiss me and we would have sex from time to time but nothing other then that. I went into the closet and packed some stuff. Over the past few months Dabi and toga would go out to get me some clothes. I grabbed and bag and shoved some clothes in there.

"You ready to go?" Dabi asked.

I just nodded my head. Dabi held out his hand and I took it. It was warm as usual. We headed downstairs and the league was already there. Kurogiri opened a portal and we walked through. I guess I was correct. We were back. We stood outside the old bar that now had a huge hole in the wall from last time. We walked in and went into the old apartments that they used to stay in.

"I'm going on a mission with the others. Don't leave this room." Dabi said and left.

He knows I would never leave but he always warns me in case I got any ideas. I took out a book that I packed. I was really getting into the book for about 30 minutes until I heard voices outside the window. A little peak wouldn't hurt. I turned invisible and looked out the window. It was Bakugou, deku, kirishima and todoroki? What were they doing here. Shit.

"I swear I heard voices in there about 30 minutes ago." Deku said.

"Come on Deku, that's not funny. You probably were just imagining it. You know Y/ns gone for good." I saw Kirishima say.

"Let's go dumb ass. Can't believe you dragged us all the way out here for this." Bakugou turned around and started to leave.

"Wait, can't we just check?" Deku asked.

"Ugh, fine go in first nerd."

They entered the building. Well shit. This is bad. What do I do? I frantically picked everything up and shoved it in the closet. I hid inside and closed the door. Fuck I left my book on the bed. They all walked into the room. I put my hand over my mouth.

"I told you, no ones here. Let's just go." Todoroki said.

"Wait, look a book." Deku walked over to it and picked it up. "These foldings on the books are new."

"That means, some ones in here with us." Todoroki started looking around.

"What if it's Y/n?" Deku asked.

"It's most likely not, she's been gone for about 4 or 5 months. She could be dead or anywhere around the world for all we know." Todoroki walked towards the closet. I was still invisible but they would see the clothes that I was wearing. I left the stuff and went all the back into the closet. Todoroki opened the door.

"Hey, you guys look. Bags of clothes." Todoroki picked up my bag.

"Listen you guys. It's probably not Y/n. It's probably someone looking for a place to stay. Let's just go." Kirishima said while looking down. As they were about to leave Dabi walked in the room.

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