Day 1: Meeting For The First Time

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This is the very first event that I'm joining so yay!

And this... I actually had no idea what to write when I was doing this so please bear with me.


Bruce Wayne, or should he say right now, Batman, wasn't really sure how to react. Today, he was about to meet the daughter he'd always wished to see but was not allowed to for eighteen years; the only problem was that something came up. And that something is a pest named Riddler.

The riddle-enthusiast had just escaped from Arkham and is causing trouble in a nearby museum. And honestly, Batman was almost tempted to use his "No Killing" Rule. Instead of spending the time to prepare for his daughter's arrival, he has to subdue Riddler and his goons! All on his own, if he might add, since his sons are all occupied, so it may take a little while to subjugate them (meaning less time to prepare)!

Dick is away, visiting his own wife and daughter. Tim had been too worn out in handling the company (which, he realized, must've been too much for a preadult like him to do and should've been his job to handle), so Alfred had made him stay back and rest (and sleep, most importantly). Damian is still in school and he can't really pull him out all of a sudden just for some vigilante work (because, honestly, even if lives could be at stake, it's still a pretty lousy excuse to skip school. Not to mention, secret identities are still a thing, right???). And Jason might be away for a mission, he wasn't really sure whatever he does anymore.

Letting out a sigh, the Dark Knight skids the Batmobile (can't he just call it a car? Or will that ruin the whole "aesthetic" he has going on?) into a stop in front of the museum where Riddler was supposedly causing a scene, again.

"Batman," Commissioner Gordon greets him as soon as he steps out of his vehicle.

"Any updates on what's happening inside?" he marches over to the building that's on high lockdown.

"Riddler's been targeting on this one hostage and he's locked her in another room, all by herself." he passes over a device and shows him a video—or was it a live feed? —from the scene inside where a girl is in a room solving what seems to be a whole wall of puzzles. Interesting how she looks a bit too calm for someone who's in such a situation.

"And he's also activated a bomb," the cop adds.

"A bomb?" Batman raises an eyebrow as he continues to watch the feed. That's a pretty unusual move for someone like Riddler.

The officer nods and takes back the device and gives it to another cop who runs off to who knows where. "Riddler says that if the girl hasn't gotten out of the room and finished all of his puzzles yet by the timer runs out, then the whole building would explode."

"Did he ask for anything? He's bound to have some sort of goal he's trying to get," Batman asks as his eyes roam around the building to look for a possible entrance since the front door is most likely barricaded from the inside.

"There's a kid—some billionaire's kid—inside and he's asking for ransom," the older male explains and waves over to the side of the building. "We've also found a way to get inside for you and—" he briefly looks over behind Batman and pauses, "—you."

"Everyone has prior commitments today," the Dark Knight answers his unasked question and pauses for a bit as he tilts his head to the side by just an inch so the action isn't really that visible. "Although, I do have Agent A to look out for me." his voice a tad bit soft for he knows that his pseudo-father is listening in on their conversation through the Comms.

"All right," Commissioner Gordon nods and looks at him straight in the eyes. "Good luck."

Batman nods back, a small smile (though he was sure it wasn't really that visible to anyone) gracing his features as he rushes over to where the entrance they were talking about was.

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