Day 6: Meeting The Justice League

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Technically their civilian personas and vigilante/hero personas are one and the same so y'all can't @ me :)


To say that Marinette was nervous is the understatement of the century. Not only did her "father" just tell her that he was holding a Barbeque on the last minute, but he also forgot to mention that h was doing it with his colleagues! (which she only found out because Dick told her)

"Ugh, what do I do, Tikki?" she asks her Kwami as shee sits on a pile of clothes. "What if I make a mistake? What if I make a bad impression? What if they hate me and convince M. Wayne to throw me out? Then, I'll be living on the streets until I get back home and when Maman and Papa find out, they'll—"

"It'll be fine, Marinette!" Tikki cuts off her rambling. "You're going to do great! You're going to make the best first impression, and you're going to knock their socks off!" she flies over to her and points at a dress from the ginormous pile around her with a smile. "I think this one looks great!"

Marinette smiles at the tiny goddess, "Thanks, Tikki," she says and head toward the adjacent bathroom of her room with the dress her Kwami had chosen in her hands.

Yeah, Tikki's right. It will be fine. She just has to meet a few family friends and hope that she won't embarrass herself in front of them. What could go wrong?


Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea! Turns out, everything could go wrong! Everything!

The Wayne family's friends are huge! Super huge! And lean! And intimidating... and scary. Oh, why did they have to be so big and scary?

Marinette quietly whimpers as she stares at everyone's towering figures. Is she really the only one who's small? Why is everyone so big and tall? Life is so unfair.

"I'm glad everyone could make it!" she sees M. Wayne approach, hug, and shake hands with some people while her siblings approach some of the kids/teens the adults came with. Gosh, this is going to get so awkward since she literally knows none of these people.

As the ravenette sighs and contemplates whether she should just go back inside and pretend she doesn't exist or not, she doesn't notice that everyone—and I mean, everyone—had come up to her and were currently staring at her. "H-Hello...?" she timidly asks. Wh-Why are they staring at her? Is there something wrong with her dress? Is she in trouble? Oh, no. Did she do something wrong? What if—

"Oh my gosh! She is so adorable!" a guy runs around her in circles in the speed of light that Marinette almost didn't even see him.

"Indeed. She is most different from you gloomy Wayne's. She is like a ray of sunshine!" a gorgeous, tall, black-haired woman approaches her with a large smile. And as soon as she takes a step forward, alarm bells began ringing in Marinette's mind. Something about her gave the ravenette a feeling that she wasn't quite human.

"You have to admit, she does have that Wayne charm." another ridiculously tall male with glasses steps forward that the alarm bells on her mind began ringing again. Just how many non-human friends does her father have?

"And most importantly, she is too thin!" a male with brownish blonde hair and tattoos slings his arms (muscles! He has big muscles!) around her, giving off a vibe that he'd be fun to have with whenever she goes to beaches. "Come, let's go eat a feast!" he guides her to one of the tables in the yard and began filling her a plate with big portions of food.

Okay, this is nice. Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe she could even enjoy herself... maybe.


Okay, scratch that! She did not (okay, maybe just a little) enjoy herself!

Everyone kept over cooing over her while simultaneously adding more food to her plate since they kept on commenting how tiny and thin she looks. Some were also asking her to spar with them??? Why, she didn't know. It was really weird.

"Please invite us again sometime!" M. Kent waves them goodbye from the gate.

Marinette waves back and groans. "That felt like I just dealt with the whole Justice League." she lets out a sigh and turns away. "I'll be in my room if you need me." she waves her hand and trudges to the stairs, failing to notice the rigid forms and tense looks everyone in her family were giving each other.


Lesson of the day: Marinette knows more than she lets on ;)

I just realized that this is the shortest piece that I've ever written...

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