17 | Glass Slipper

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Chapter track: Here by Alessia Cara.


I had no clue why I was here. Well, that was partially a lie, I did. It was because of two persuasive friends of mine. Bailee had begged Ashley to go to this crazy house party with us after I accidentally brought up my invitation. She wanted to meet some hot guy she had been flirting with on Facebook. Though I knew deep down she wanted to see some signs of jealousy coming from Ashley who - as expected - disappointed her with a showcase of no emotions. I was adamant that I wasn't attending to start with, but she slowly pecked away at me, guilt tripping me into coming with her. That I should think of Brian and his consideration of inviting me. And for whatever reason, Ashley ended up agreeing too.

"Please, pretty please, don't you want to let loose for once in your life?" She had pouted. 

"Oh god, alright, I'll go! If it makes you so damn happy." I yelled, finally giving in. 

Truth be told, a part of me was curious. I wanted to see if the hype given to parties was well deserved.

"Sweet! I can't wait for tonight! We're gonna have so much fun!" she squealed. 

But the reality was that as soon as we arrived she had made a beeline for the living room with Ashley in hand and they now had disappeared somewhere. 

My hands couldn't stop pulling at the short red dress I wore. I felt naked. Bailee's makeover transformed me into a girl that was my polar opposite - a seductress.

I sighed, pressing my head back against the sofa I was on and clutched my drink. I swirled it with a frown. The color was weird. 

Was this how it was going to be like for the rest of the night? I, the abandoned friend, sitting by herself in the corner like a total loser while everyone was making the most of the night? 

Without much thought I took a sip from my cup as a depressing cloud hung over my head regardless of the flashing lights all around. I winced when I felt the burn hit the back of my throat as I swallowed. 


Why did I even take this up in the first place? I didn't even fancy drinking that much.

My skin suddenly started to tingle and my eyes burned like it never did before. My surroundings faded and returned back to normal as my stomach did somersaults. God, I wasn't feeling too great at the moment.

Goosebumps started to form on my arms, the tell-tale signs that I was being watched. I looked up across the room and met the eyes of a guy. Usually, I would look away, embarrassed that I had just caught someone watching me - and he was watching me; watching me with such an intensity that I couldn't break eye contact. 

Shouldn't he be the one feeling embarrassed? I mean, he had just been caught staring so brazenly and he still wasn't affected. 

I took in his appearance and noticed that his hair was styled nicely and a few strands fell in front of his eyes. Those eyes... He was dressed borderline casual and elegant in black jeans with a button up shirt. He managed to resemble a model. 

He was looking at me still, even while his friends stood around and spoke to him, nodding every now and then or murmuring simple words in agreement with them. Then I saw him excuse himself and came over to where I was.

My heartbeat sped up at his presence no matter how slight it was and I mentally beat myself up, as I wondered why I hadn't looked away. He landed on the sofa next to me and a surprised 'What are you doing here?' was whisper-yelled in my ear.

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