The Morning

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Light gradually swarmed the treetops around her and soon she was able to find the smoke rising above the woods. She followed the smoke path and she took her time to look around as her father would have done. She looked up and saw the fleeing birds returning to their homes. She imagined the wolves to be huddled together, resting, waiting for their next meal to reveal itself.

She let out a deep breath and relief flooded through her as she thought to herself that this meal would not be including her. She imagined her mother to be at home worried about her and after this long night of being the prey to the untamed forest she reasoned she could survive giving her mom a call.

She walked past the stream of water and thought about washing herself off but she reasoned not to as the water held a slight discoloration. As she walked onwards she was able to find her camp, the fire long cold and the site quiet.

She was able to get the car started and she drove down the dirt path until she found the phone booth. She scrambled for the coins needed for the telephone and found them in her wallet, along with an old photo of her parents. She brushed passed this and returned to the booth where she dialed up the first number she had ever learnt.

The phone rang for thirty-seven seconds before there was an anxious, "Hello?" There was less than a second before the voice began again.
"Who is this?"
The voice wavered once more.
"Hey mom."
There were muffled voices coming from the background but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Not long after the voice spoke up.
"Oh my god, sweetie are you ok?"
She debated this for a second before answering.
"Hey mom I'm ok."
"Sweetie where are you, I went by your place and you weren't there, where are you?"
"I'm in the mountains"
Her mother stuttered her next words.
"T-the mountains? Wha-what do you mean t-the mountains?"
Her mother's voice continued to waver.
"I'm up in the same mountains I would go with da-"
She choked on her words, she couldn't imagine her mom would want to talk about her dad with her now. Her face crunched up and she slammed her hand down on the glass booth.
"Sweetie, why don't you come back to your place and we can talk about this."
There was a indefinite pause.
"You know I'm not mad at you right?"
She looked up at this.
"You know I should have been there for you, you and your dad were close and I should have been there for you when he passed."
Her mother continued.
"You didn't owe me anything, I ran away from it all before you could even get the chance.l
She paused for a second, anxiously biting her lip.
"I'm sorry, mom."
Without a moment of hesitation came,
"It's ok, sweetie. I love you. And I don't blame you for leaving, but will you come back soon?"
There was a light sincerity in her voice.
"I actually have to go, I have to get some care I got an injury but I will come home as soon as I can. And mom? I love you too."

As she hung up the phone and she felt an immense lightheaded feeling and she instantly went back and called for an ambulance. Dark clouds began to gather above her head so she decided to head back to her car.

Moments after she returned to her car it began to rain and she felt a warmth as her face began to mirror the world around her and tears rolled down her cheek. Drizzles turnt to soft thuds as the rain began to pick up and soon she could no longer make out the telephone booth. She pulled out her wallet once more and saw the photo of her parents and her as a kid. A single tear fell onto it before she wiped her face with her sleeves. She held it in her hand as she could feel herself succumbing to her own tiredness. She laid back to the sounds of the rain beating down on her car and closed her eyes to the sounds of sirens.

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