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The plane ride wasn't long as Britt held her cloak over herself, she internally cried due to the fact that she was marked. Forever an Incubus mate due to his mark or so she thought. As they were boarding off the plane and got their stuff. Hathor noticed how different Britt seemed as she led the way to their hotel.

"Welcome to Rome." Hathor said to her cousin
"Rome?" Britt asked looked up

"Of course." Hathor said

Hathor checked them in and used the card to pay for it as she led her cousin to the room. Hathor had gotten them one room with double beds in the room so that neither of them were alone. Her friends had gotten rooms by their room. Hathor noticed Britt as having a hard time staying awake and she knew there were things to get done.

"Get some sleep." Hathor said
"I can't. You think this cloak can protect me from him?" Britt asked
"It's worth a shot. Your mark isn't as powerful here." Hathor said

As much as Britt hated to admit it her cousin was right as she decided to lay on the bed with her cloak. She closed her eyes as she tried to sleep, but her dream as usual she felt him hold her. Her eyes opened in the dream as she noticed her attire was different a wedding dress.

"You ran and it's such a waste to not see my bride." Atem said
"I am not your bride." Britt remarked as she felt him touch her mark which made her weak.
"My mate, you bear my mark. You and I will be together and have a family." Atem said
"I'm not in your realm." I reminded him

I figured he couldn't touch me since I was not in his realm and in a hotel with my cloak. I was wrong as I felt him touch the sleeve of the dress and move one off my shoulder. I shuddered under his touch and he smirked. I heard him walk behind me and held me as his lips kissed my exposed shoulder.

"See you're ready to give in." He whispered in my ear

I wanted to spat back no but then I felt him move to the other side of my exposed neck in my dream. His lips went over his mark and I lost my balance in my dream as he caught me.

"See, you're mine. Why not just give me your location? I can make everything I'm doing happening in your room." Atem said
"No." Britt said

Hathor shook Britt and she woke up seeing it was still dark, Britt was breathing heavy as she sat up. She pulled the cloak close to her taking a few minutes. She knew that there was no way she could keep running from him but she was willing to try.

"Britt, we'll get through this." Hathor said checking her phone "I got a message from someone saying hope may not be lost for you."

"My mark is finished, I am bound to that Incubus." Britt said "What other option do I have?"

Hathor smirked a bit as her phone seemed to be ringing. She answered it and talked with the person on the phone. I didn't hear much of the talk as I drifted back but with the cloak hood over my head. It seemed to help me as I was able to get some sleep again till morning.

When I woke up I saw Hathor was ready and she grabbed me going to the place near by. I questioned what more she could do but she seemed determined. When we got there we met with a woman in a hood.

"Are you Hathor?" The lady asked
"I am and this is my cousin Britt." Hathor said

The woman walked over as she moved my cloak and revealed my finished mark. I was questioning what was going on but she led us inside. She told us to sit down and we did as she was working on something.

"Have you laid with the incubus who finished that mark?" The lady asked
"No, I escaped before the wedding." Britt said
"So he planned to wed you before fulfilling the last requirement to keep that mark." The lady said

Again Britt had someone put something over her mark but like she figured there was not a way yet to remove it. The mark was finished and her only sign of freedom was getting away.

Soon though after leaving she went with Zoey away from Hathor, a mistake she'd come to know later. Zoey let her think as she walked and for a couple hours it'd seemed peaceful. When they reunited with Hathor at the room Britt saw Hathor on the bed. She was seeming to be covered up but something else Britt noticed was her cousin was unclothed.

"Hathor" Britt said

Hathor opened her eyes, Britt wondered what had happened but as she walked over she noticed her cousin had a trickle of blood. She moved her cousins hair to see Hathor's mark had been finished. Britt questioned if Hathor just gave herself to the incubus.

"W-what happened?" Hathor asked
"Your's finished and you look like you just slept with someone." Britt said
"Well, I..." Hathor didn't seem to know what to say
"What?" Britt asked
"I kinda did." Hathor said

Oh no, what have you done? Britt thought

The Incubus King looking for his QueenWhere stories live. Discover now