Thirty Two

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Aria Adkins

My phone rings at 3 A.M., ripping me from oblivious dreams of leisurely walking through the French Quarter with Austin, happy without a care in the world.

I fumble for the screeching device, hastily throwing my pillow off the bed in sleepy confusion. I frown through bleary eyes. The name flashing across the screen reads, "Unknown."

I hesitate, dread swirling in my gut. I slide my thumb across the screen before I can talk myself out of it, and bring it to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, my heart pounding in my ears.

A sharp intake of air is heard on the other line. I frown. "Who is this?" I demand.

The line abruptly goes dead. I stare at the black screen.

"What the fuck," I mumble, confused, annoyed, and tired.

My head spins with assumptions of who could have been on the other line. Mom? Aunt Dina? Dad? Warning sirens go off in the recess of my mind; something is up, and I have a feeling that I'm about to find out what.


Hours later I'm freshly showered and dressed for the day. Piece of half-eaten cheese toast in hand, I tap out a quick message to Austin, wishing him luck for his reunion with his dad while I wait for a cab.

Savannah bounds into the kitchen, backpack haphazardly hanging off her shoulder. I step away from the counter and watch as she fills a travel mug with coffee.

"Morning," I say, dusting the bread crumbs from my hands.

She grunts in response.

I smirk. "Your shirt's on inside out."

"I don't care," She murmurs.

I snort. "I didn't think you did, but I thought I'd warn you anyway. Are you working today?"

She snatches an off-brand pop tart from the pantry and rips it open, taking a bite before mumbling, "Yup. I close tonight."

"Anna's mom giving you a ride again, or should I ask Sid if she can?"

"Nah, it's covered," She yawns. "When's Austin getting back, though? The bus smells like farts and the guy from down the street always sits behind me and smells my hair. I miss having my chauffeur around."

"Sav," I admonish. "His sole purpose is not to drive you around."

"No, but that is a valuable perk of you having a steady boyfriend. Try not to run him off before I can get my own car, okay?"

I roll my eyes. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"You're welcome," She states before releasing a groan.

Sav steps away from the counter and throws her pop tart wrapper away. "Speaking of the mobile shit van, it'll be here any minute. Wanna watch Harry Potter with me when I get off?"

I ruffle her hair and empty my own mug in the sink, my coffee now cold. "As long as you promise not to sob during Prisoner of Azkaban again."

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