Chapter Six: Alisha

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A while later, we’re in the car, headed across the City. After wolfing down a homemade breakfast sandwich and mocha, I’m near the breaking point. I don’t drink coffee often, mainly because I already have an issue sitting still. I’m dancing in my seat, excited to see where we’re going and to hear what Maya has to say.

A glance at George stills my racing thoughts. “Are you sleeping?”

“Meditating,” he replies without opening his eyes. His hands are on his knees, his breathing deep. “Might alleviate your jitters.”

“I like my jitters. Tried yoga once but couldn’t get into it. How often do you meditate?”

“Twice a day.”

“For how long?”

He says nothing.

“Are you Buddhist or something?”

“Do you always talk this much after coffee?”

I sigh. “I’m excited about having a clue about where Natalie is.”

His eyes open, and he gazes at me for a moment. “I was rude, and I apologize. But for future reference, meditation is a quiet time.”

Interesting. He apologizes for being blunt but not for what happened in bed. Or killing people. Or destroying my hacking set up and keeping me under his thumb.

How is he better than Tony, aside from the fact he hasn’t hit me yet? I definitely attract a certain type.

The car stops in a garage, and I open my door, springing out without caring where we’re going. George exits the car and waves for me to follow him. We walk through a warehouse of some sort, through the open bay to the block-like offices in back.

I recognize Maya through the window of one office. Small and trim, she’s pacing behind a table while two of George’s security personnel stand guard.

“Wait here,” he instructs me, resting a hand on my forearm.

“No. I’m going in, too.”

George draws me to face him, hands on my arms. “Have you ever been in an interrogation?”

“No.” At least, I think that’s what he asked. Being this close to him has a way of distracting me. His grey eyes hold mine, and he’s tense despite meditating in the car, his powerful body poised for action leaving me awestruck. Like a gladiator before battle. It’s scary – and beautiful.

Hmmm. Gladiator. It’s definitely a good comic book hero’s name.

“Remain here, Alisha. There are some aspects of what I do that I rather you not witness,” he says quietly.

“Because you hurt people.”


My throat tightens. His words bring me back to the sobering reality of what he is. Not a comic book hero, but a real live man who’s done terrible things.

“I respect you too much to allow you to watch,” he adds.

Respect? Puzzled, I remain where I am when he moves away. To respect someone, you sort of need to be able to have emotions of some sort, and he’s very good at turning them off and on like a light switch.

George walks into the office, and the blinds are lowered. I can’t see what’s going on.

My heart is pounding, and fear flutters through me. I can’t help imagining myself on the other side of the desk, where Maya sits. It’s not far fetched at all, especially if I try to grab information about Natalie and run. George will hunt me down, and the idea of a naked interrogation fills my belly with butterflies.

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