CH 8: Here to tell you something.

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A bright sunday morning. The sunlight was all over the place, birds were chirping sweetly. The peace of the morning was interrupted by the noise of a car engine.

A car entered through the huge sliding entrance gate of the modern themed mansion. As the car was parked, a man emerged from the driver's seat and walked over to the other side to help the one in the passenger's seat.

"P'Zee, are you sure?" the one who came out of the passenger's seat had nervousness all over his face. "My parents are the least scary creatures on this Esther" Zee assured. "They'll accept you without obligations, Saint." Zee kissed his forehead. Saint gave him a smile. Zee held his hand and took him in.

When they reached the living room, they met a sleepy Sammy who was still in her pyjamas. "Good morning N'Sammy" Saint greeted. "Oh! P'Saint. Sawadee kha." Sammy was still sleepy but the name 'Saint' woke her up. "P'Zee, you're finally coming out to dad and papa today?" she enquired. Zee nodded, swinging hi arm across Saint's waist. "Go. Tidy up and come down quick" Zee asked of his younger sister. Sammy agreed as she wanted to see what drama will be created today. Sammy ran to her room leaving the nervous couple alone in the living room.

"Let's go. I see papa sitting in the back lawn" Zee spotted his parents through the window. Saint didn't know what to do. Should he have just kept it a secret, but for how long could he have kept it. Saint sighed as he tightened his grip on his boyfriend's hand. They proceeded towards the backdoor which opened in a lawn.


"Pa!" Zee called, gaining the attention of both his parents. Off looked at the interlocked fingers of the two who entered, but ignored it. Saint was now even more nervous after he saw the look on Off's face. Gun still not noticed that detail. But Gun did notice the nervousness in the air.

"Anything wrong with you two?" Gun asked, but suddenly realized, he did not know this kid who came with his son. Gun walked towards Saint putting a hand on his back asking him with a comforting smile, "What's your name?". Saint tried to be calm as possible, "I am Saint." Gun nodded his head, "Zee, who is this sweet child to you?" there was a fierceness in his voice this time. The fierceness made Saint even more nervous than he already was. Zee sighed, held Saint close and announced, "He is my boyfriend and I brought him here today to meet you two."

Off was shocked by the confidence his son had. He wanted to hug Saint and thank him, he had never seen his elder son so determined and mature over something. But he also wanted to test how much his son loved his boyfriend. He looked at them seriously and asked, "So what do we do about that?". Zee was taken aback for a moment by his father's attitude. Is he trying to scare him, Gun thought of his husband. "What's your age? You don't seem to be the same as this old kid." Gun asked Saint, happy for his son. "I am a year younger than P'Zee." Saint politely replied, a little comfortable now. Zee was happy that his papa accepted his lover, but would he accept the other fact? They could only wait and see.

"Uh... There is another thing we need to tell you" now Zee showed nervousness. Saint understood the meaning and blushed.


Sammy came down and saw her parent's friends there. "Sawadee kha~ Uncle Man, Uncle Type." she greeted and went to hug Type. "How has the princess been?" Man asked. Man and Type had known them since they were kids. Zee, Mew and Sammy could call them their second parents, they always cared for them like their own children. "I'm fine. But I can't really say the same about P'Zee" Sammy said, pouting cutely. Man looked confused, "Why is that so?". "P'Zee is introducing his boyfriend to papa and dad today." Sammy told. "Really, let's go I wanna meet Zee's boyfriend too." Type said, still hugging Sammy.

"Also, sorry. We couldn't make it to Mew's wedding. We were away for some business" Type apologised and they walked to the lawn.

On reaching the lawn Man and Type froze at the door itself. Shock in their eyes, visible from far away.


"Dad, can you stop being so stone like?" Zee asked Off. Off just shrugged it off. "What else did you want to tell us?" Gun ushered. "Papa, dad." Zee said, holding his boyfriend's hand tight. Gun smelled something wrong and knitted his brows. "I got Saint pregnant" Zee said in a breath, ready for an outrage from his parent.

"Really!?" Gun exclaimed happily. "Yay, now I can have a grandchild. I don't know how long is Mew gonna take to give me one too." Gun whined. But then a loud voice, a furious one.


"P'Type, calm down." Man requested his wife. Saint turned back and shocked to see his parents standing there. Saint gulped, "Papa...". Gun heard Saint and was even more happy now. "Oh! So you are Man and Type's son. Even better!" Gun exclaimed. Saint really was dead at the moment.

Type walked towards them and held Saint by his arm, pulling him up to stand. "How long have you two been dating?" Type was so angry right now. "Uncle Type we-" Zee was cut off in between. Type darted at Zee, staring at his own son, "I'm not asking you, Zee. I'm asking my son! Saint! speak". "Two and a half months." Saint looked to the ground.

Saint knew his papa was disappointed in him. His parents always taught him to focus on his career, but he did something to make them lose faith in him. His parents surely don't like him getting pregnant so early in life. His papa must be so furious right now. He did not have the courage to look at him in the eyes.

"And how long have you been pregnant?" Man asked kindly, unlike his wife. "One month" Saint was ready for shouting. Type left Saint's arm and looked at Zee, murderously. "Zee, I thought you were a good kid! How could you do it in just one month of relationship! Saint you should have told us if forced you!" Type bursted at both of them. Zee was frozen. Saint could not let his boyfriend be blamed for something he didn't do. "P'Zee didn't force me. I was the one who gave him permission" Saint could cry now. Zee wanted console Saint but Type blocked him.

Man saw the sadness on the faces of his son and Zee. He knew what happened was not very appropriate, but it wasn't their fault either. Man was in total support of his son and knew how to defeat his wife. "P'Type, are you okay?" Man said. "Where is my lovely P'Type who was dreaming for his son to give him a grandchild two days ago?" these words made Type blush. "Man!" Type yelled. "Yes my P'Type" Man gave out a goofy smile, it was ear to ear. Type was now blushing hard, how could he forget that he wanted grandchildren too, but not like this. Saint was looking at his parents in disbelief. Zee knew what his Uncle Man was upto.

Mew entered, smiling. He has been smiling like an idiot ever since his wife gave him the news. Zee turned and ran to his brother for support. Gulf came in soon after.


Writing the part where Zee told his parents Saint is pregnant took half an hour! I was laughing like crazy... for some reason to me it's just too hilarious.

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- Wan <3

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