Chapter 13

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Nagito's POV

I turned on my phone to look at the text I got. It was from Sonia so I opened immediately and read it.

< Sonia 👑

Sonia: Hey Nagito...

Me: Yeah?

Sonia: There's another rumor going around. And I don't think you'll like this one...

Me: Oh god...

Me: What is it???

Sonia: It's that you have a crush on Mioda

Me: fuck

Sonia: Enoshima spread it....

Me: No wonder everyone has believed it...

Me: I need to text Mioda to clear things up...

Sonia: Go ahead. I just figured you needed to know

Me: Thank you Sonia

Sonia: Of course!

. . .

I panicked, pain in my heart, knowing that Hinata-Kun has definitely heard the rumor by now. And his dumbass probably believed it...I hate calling him mean things like that, but I'm distressed... I opened my conversation with Mioda and began typing.

< Mioda 🎸

Me: Hey Mioda

Me: I'm guessing you've heard the rumor Enoshima is spreading

Mioda: Yeah, is it true?

Me: Of course not. That's what I'm texting you about.

Me: Okay, I'm going to tell you something. Please don't tell anyone, okay?

Mioda: Ibuki understands!

Me: In all honesty. That rumor about me being gay in true...

Mioda: Ibuki figured

Mioda: that's why Ibuki was so hesitant to believe Enoshima's rumor.

Me: thank you for actually believing me..

Mioda: you did tell Ibuki that you had a crush on someone though?

Me: Yeah...

Me: Let's just say at this point...he probably believed the rumor...

Mioda: Can Ibuki confront Enoshima about this rumor on Monday?

Me: Yeah,byiu don't have to ask my permission. You are kinda involved...

Mioda: Okay!

Me: Thank you Mioda

Mioda: of course, anytime!

Mioda: after this though, we are talking about your crush and relationship with them

Me: yeah...okay

Mioda: Good!

Mioda: You don't have to disclose their identity btw!!! Ibuki just cares that you're actually trying to give them hints!!!

Me: oh okay! :)

Me: Thank you again Mioda

Mioda: you're welcome!

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