Chapter 2

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As I walked around the yard my mind was overwhelmed with what was happening. There was so much to take in and so much to think about. If I could have a journal to write all my thoughts in I could set a clear plan and organize my thoughts. Cinderella would know where I could get one.

I found Cinderella in the kitchen washing dishes. It was still fairly early in the morning and the poor girl was already sweating. I approached her and softly tapped her shoulder. "Sorry to bother you but where could I find a notebook?" I asked.

She was staring at me, her hands resting steaming water but she didn't seem to notice. At first I thought she somehow didn't know what a notebook was but then I realized she was shocked at my tone of voice.

She finally managed to collect herself. "Ah, sorry, there are no notebooks in the manor. There is a marketplace that is only a short walk from here if you would like me to fetch one."

"Oh, no need. I'll go myself, I need the fresh air and you seem busy." I figured a walk might help me familiarize myself with the town and I had to get out of this depressing house. However Cinderella was staring at me with her mouth agape once more. Clearly I was doing a poor job of acting like the evil stepsister. Even the smallest amount of politeness was putting Cinderella in shock. I excused myself and left the kitchen so as to not draw anymore attention to myself.

Though the old house seemed dark and depressing, outside it was beautiful and lush. Soft grass lay about the dirt and wild flowers grew alongside the pebble path that twisted to the marketplace. Growing up in a city, I had never been to a place like this before. Everything felt so simple and slow. I walked for a few miles but it felt like it only took minutes. However, my new body wasn't used to any exercise so by the time I finally reached the market my feet were sore and the sweat on my forehead was evident.

As expected of a fairytale land, the products sold by the street vendors were incredible. Large assortments of glowing plants were sold on the left while creepy dried up heads were sold on the right. I wandered towards the tiny dried heads being sold, intrigued yet disgusted at the same time.

"Ah, I see you are interested in our talking head collection," an old lady smiled.

"Your talking wha-" before I could finish my sentence a grouchy voice cut me off.

"I don't want to be sold to this ugly cow!" A head's mouth moved on its own.

"Agh!" I stumbled backwards into someone's chest. "Oof!"

"Careful," A hooded figure laughed.

"Er, sorry." I apologized. "The talking heads kinda caught me off guard. I've never been to this marketplace before." I fiddled with my fingers.

"Yeah, they'll do that to newcomers." The blue hooded figure lowered his hood to reveal an annoyingly attractive face. I mentally pouted that I looked as pretty as Poppy's personality. "Just for reference, most grocery items are in the far left area of the market closer to the town while the miscellaneous vendors are on the right side closer to town."

"Then what do you call this area?" I asked curiously, it didn't seem to be food but it could qualify as miscellaneous.

"Well this area is the magic market." He explained. "The only people who shop here are either desperate or misfit witches and warlocks."

I finally took a good look around and noticed that not many people were wandering about aimlessly like me. Most were cloaked or looking around nervously and some were even trying to hide their face as best as possible while purchasing their items. My attention went back to the handsome guy next to me. "So which category do you fit into? Desperate, or magic misfit?" I questioned.

Reincarnated as an Ugly Step SisterWhere stories live. Discover now