Mean girls

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Skip to after school*

I'm at my locker again getting a few things out of it when i hear a high pitched voice call my name. It sound exactly like that Samantha girl.

"Harmony" she yells
I turn my head and look at her and roll my eyes at her i carry on doing what i was doing before and then she starts hitting me in the back. I feel no pain. I've felt worse before so i could handle it.
I turn my head to see olivia recording the whole thing and i smile at her
Samantha keeps on hitting me and now there's a big crowed watching her hitting me now. She thinks that this is hurting me but it's really not. I get a message on my phone from Jaden i see that it's a long paragraph and i get worried.

This girl is still hitting me i-
I turn around and push her just like how i pushed mads that night when she slapped me. She falls over into the crowed of people and they start to laugh i shrug my shoulders and look at my phone and start reading the message. And she starts hitting me again but i don't care it doesn't affect me so i start to read the paragraph


Dear angel

Hi angel i miss you so much i wish was with you
Right now. I feel so bad that your all alone and
You have to deal with school social media and
All they hate you've been getting right now
I fucking miss you so much i want to visit but i can't
I have to do my music and we're filming everyday
Now which is pretty exhausting. I miss the movies
And shows we use to watch while cuddling in
Your bed and the kisses you give me and i give you
The death stares you give all of us and when you
Bully Bryce. I wish i could be there with you
Right now holding you in my arms cuddling
I know girls at school could be bitches from what
I saw in the video that girls the worst. Your perfect
And i hope you know that. I love you the way you
Are and i promise we will be together forever
I'm happy you get to take a break from la
Because honestly i think i need one too
No more brady craziness no more hospital
Nights. I love you so much angel and i hope you can
Come to la soon but I'm pretty sure the boys are
Going to Texas. Miss you so much

Love hossler💗❤️❤️

I love you so much hossler
Miss you too
Tank you for the sweet message
I'll call you guys later don't worry

Reading that message bring tears to my eyes i miss him so much. That was so sweet.
I'm fucking crying in the middle of the hallway from the message.
This girls still hitting me though and it's getting on my last nerve.
This girl ugh she hits me with her backpack at me making me almost fall
I turn around and push her once again but this time she falls into her boyfriends arms. Everyone looks confused to my i have tears in my eyes almost crying.

"Let's go guys" i say waving the girls over and we walk out of the school.

"That girl really tried hurting you" Zoe laughs
"I know i didn't even feel a thing" i laugh and wipe my tears away
"Why you crying harm" olivia frowns
"Oh i just read a nice message from a friend" i smile

We get to the car and i get in the drivers seat.
"Oh harm i sent that video of that girl hitting you to my brother he said to call him or Bryce when you get home"
"Awww Thanks Liv will do. Anyways where do you guys want me to drop you off" i ask
"I think we're all just gonna go home and do homework" Courtney says
"Oh ok" 

I start driving and i drop them off one by one at their houses.

By the time i get home I'm so tired.

Jadens pov

I've been missing harmony a lot over the past few days and the boys can see it. Kio told me my mood has changed from happy to blank he said i have no emotion ever since harmony left. Josh and Bryce just recently got home from Toronto. They were saying about how girls were asking for their numbers and how they declined them. They also told me there were guys their using pick up lines on her and she was just weirded out. Josh said he met his sisters boyfriend Holden. Then Bryce told me how josh was being over protective which is really funny because josh is always laid back and calm.

I can't believe someone would say that to harmony though like calling her name names and stuff like that's actually rude. This girl thinks she knows all about harmony and the boys but she really doesn't half of the things we do don't get posted on social media. I'm so proud of harmony for being strong facing those girls. I miss her so fuckin much.

I decide to send her a nice message saying how i miss her.

I poured my heart out to right that i feel lonely now that she's not here.

Josh shows me a video of harmony reading something on her phone in the hallway and that girl from earlier is hitting her over and over again but Harmony doesn't move at all. When she finishes reading the thing on her phone she starts crying but she looks happy.

Then the video ends
"Why was she crying" Bryce asks
"Don't know" josh answers
"Call her right now" Kio says

Josh calls her and she doesn't answer until the last ring


Very very sweet note from Jaden maybe he's being to sweet


Ok I'm posting this to promote my new book that's gonna be called "good girl"
Ok it's gonna be another jaden hossler fanfic bc he's the best and yeah so please check it out it'll probably be out when the next chapter for this book is posted. Don't worry I'm still gonna be updating this book a lot but I'm just stuck on writing a ending to this book rn so yeah. And I'm only contemplating on making a second book to this one bc i don't know how to end this one. And also sometimes i like to have a lot of things to do bc it makes me feel like I'm being productive by having a lot of work and doing it. And the new book I'm writing the main girl is gonna have a personality related to me bc I'm always the happy happy hyper person so please check it out I'll try my best for it to be interesting







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