Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Right when you put the key into your doorknob, you hear someone behind you say, "HEY GUYS!"

You turn and see Bokuto standing proudly at the end of your driveway. Akaashi shakes his head. "Come on, Bokuto-san."

You giggle and turn the knob and open the door. You let Akaashi and Bokuto in and say, "Welcome to my humble abode."

Bokuto looks around, "So cute!!"

"Take off your shoes, Bokuto-san." Akaashi reminds him.

"Oh, right." Bokuto laughs.

You smile and walk towards the kitchen. "You can leave the bag here on the counter."

You start to take out all the tools needed for the cookies while Akaashi places all the ingredients on the counter. You both jump slightly when suddenly Bokuto starts blasting Christmas music from his phone. He grins and says, "It's way too quiet in here."

You let out a laugh and catch Akaashi looking at you. Akaashi then says, "Do you have any aprons, y/n? I don't really want to dirty my clothes."

Bokuto gasps, "Give me one too! Wearing aprons makes everything so fun."

You nod and grab three aprons from the kitchen's closet. As you tie the knot behind your back, you glance at Akaashi. Akaashi had already started cracking the eggs. Your eyes travel down his body. The apron fit him so well. Imagine having him as a house-husband and coming home to him in a cute apron...

You slightly drool at the thought.

"Look, y/n!" Bokuto stands in front of you wearing a pink apron, "Don't I look so hot?"

He flexes his arm. You giggle as Bokuto happily preheats the oven.

Akaashi looks at you, "Wanna start mixing the batter?"

You wipe the drool on the corner of your mouth and nod. You grab the mixer from his hand and try to mix the tough batter. "Uh..."

Akaashi puts his hand over yours. "Here. Lemme help you."

*Akaashi's POV*

I hover closely over y/n. She's probably a couple inches shorter than me because I can easily rest my chin on her head if I wanted to. Y/n's hands are small compared to mine. I wonder how small they would look on my chest? I can't stop thinking about her hands going through my black hair. Then, her arms wrapping around my neck...

    I clear my throat slightly and say softly into y/n's ear, "See... you should mix it more slowly to not make a mess." Her hair smells nice... I think it's lavender?

    Y/n nods and is so focused on not making a mess that she doesn't notice Bokuto's flash going off when he takes a picture of you two. I look up and glare at Bokuto.

    "What are you doing, Bokuto-san?" I warn. I don't want y/n to think we're being creepy. We already invaded her home, and now Bokuto is taking pictures of her...

    I gotta ask him for that picture.

    "Nothing..." He shrugs, "Just making memories!"

    Y/n finally looks up, "Bokuto, you should start cutting out the cookies."


*Y/n's POV*

    Just when you throw in the tray of cookies in the oven, you hear the front door open.

"Hey, y/n! I smell something sweet..." Your mom comes through the door. She pauses when she sees the guests. "Oh! We have visitors?" She says. She smiles and waves at Akaashi and Bokuto, "Why hello, dears."

Bokuto grins. "Nice house, Mrs. L/N!"

Akaashi elbows his side, "You don't say that Bokuto! You're supposed to greet her first."

Akaashi bows his head and says, "Hello, Mrs. L/n. Your daughter was sweet enough to let us come over. I"m sorry for disturbing you."

Your mom laughs and waves it off, "Eh, it's no big deal. Now let's eat some cookies!"


    Akaashi and Bokuto had already left when you were washing the dishes and then your mom lets out a small laugh.

    You look at her, "What's up?"

    She shakes her head, "Nothing... just Bokuto is pretty cute, isn't he?"

    You smile, "Haha, yeah."

    She lifts a sly eyebrow, "And that Akaashi is really pretty, right?"

    You pause to think about Akaashi's gorgeous face. "Yeah, I know."

𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 (𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon