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I stood up and went in front of the full body mirror in my room. Well, my temporary room, as this is not my house, but Chris's house. And what I saw in the mirror made by eyes widened in shock and admiration. Who the hell is this girl standing in front of me? Is it really me? Seriously, I can't even recognize myself.

After I returned to Chris's home yesterday, he made me to rest for the entire day. He didn't even allow me to get up from the bed to take even a glass of water. He himself served me anything that I wanted. Well, he did allow me to use washroom at least. And I am glad for that. That man can become over-protective and over-possessive. I rolled my eyes at his stupid behaviour. But deep inside my heart, I know that I love seeing that side of him. I smiled at the thought itself. When he saw bruises on my body with a deep cut of my hand, he acted like I was going to die in few seconds. He took care of me like I was a baby.

This morning when I woke up in his arms, with my head placed on his hard chest, I couldn't help but admire the man sleeping besides me. How did I get so lucky to get this man in my life. I looked at his perfect figure sleeping peacefully besides me. I was smiling the entire time like a joker. Yes, I have been smiling like an idiot since yesterday, when he confessed his feelings to me. Even my cheeks were paining now. But I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face.

While we were eating the breakfast today morning, a girl, maybe in her late twenties came in the home and handed Chris at least 5-6 bags which I guess were heavy, as she was facing difficulty in walking while carrying the bags. Chris took them from her and dismissed her immediately. I tried to stop her and offer her at least some water, but she refused it and left the place immediately. Well, when she stared at me, I could feel hatred in her eyes. When she looked at Chris, she was completely fine. But as soon as she saw me, there was a frown on her face. What did I do to her to deserve this reaction from her? Well, let's not get there as only she knows the reason why she hated me in the first place. But after she left the house, Chris handed me all the bags, as I just looked at him in confusion.


"Why are you giving these bags to me? They are not mine Chris," I told him.

"Oh baby girl. They are yours." Chris told me, grinning like a idiot.

"What is inside them?" I asked him curiously.

"Well, nothing but a few things you will be needing for tonight's dinner," he said like it was a fact.

"What is so special about tonight's dinner?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Well, that's a surprise baby girl. I can't tell you anything right now. There will be stylists coming home at 4pm in the evening to get you ready," he told me.

"Stylists? Huh?" I asked him, with confusion spread all over my face.

What is so special about tonight's dinner, that he wants me to get ready with the help of the stylists?

I shook my head to remove all unnecessary thoughts from my mind while munching on my vegetable sandwich. From the corner of me eyes, I saw Chris entering my room with the bags and then coming out of the room, empty-handed after a few minutes.


So do you want to know what was in those bags? Well, whatever I am wearing right now was there in those bags.

I was wearing a light green designer evening gown, with only one arm. It was just beautiful. But it looked too expensive too. I didn't like the fact that Chris was spending so much money on me. I confronted him, but it was of no use, as this man is too stubborn to listen to anyone.

LOVE ON A TOUR (LOAT) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now