Chapter 13. Beginning of classes

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The returning flight to the Academy had been even more comfortable than when she flew the last time. The private plane had separate rooms for each group of people it seemed, and because she flew alone, she had been given a room to herself. She could even take a nap. She was not tired physically, but mentally she was exhausted. The situation with her family had drained her. She had tried for years to ignore their actions and hoped that her care towards them would change something, but sadly it did not.

Trying to take her mind off from thinking more, she closed her eyes as several tears drops flowed involuntarily, still recounting their faces and actions, as she drifted off to sleep. From now on she would care for herself more, from now on she would think more for her wishes and dreams, she promised herself.

Two months later

She had just finished braiding her hair in a high ponytail, the last preparation she had to do before going to the classes, when she heard a knock.

"Alpha, are you ready?" Jake's enthusiastic voice could be heard from behind the door.

Already prepared, she did not answer his question, but hurriedly grabbed her phone, a small briefcase which contained a couple of notebooks and her laptop, then directly went to open the door.

Seeing Celia standing in the doorway, just as he was about to knock again, Jake smiled cheekily while they greeted each other. Then waited for the alpha to lock her room, before they started walking in the direction of the canteen. Once they grabbed their breakfast, they would be heading to the first classes of the watcher course.

Today was the first day of the semester and all the students were nervous. They were the highest ranked werewolves amongst their peers, but who wouldn't be especially in front of the teachers that they only heard legends about. Though to lighten the mood, they still cracked a joke every now and then during breakfast.

Before they were selected for the watcher courses, they each had their own group. But after remaining the last ten, they had formed their group together.

Celia also felt welcomed in their midst, as the fact that she was the only woman between them and their leader, fortunately did not pose a problem.

She was not aware the other candidates had realized already that she had selected them during the melee war, and did not just randomly throw people out of the circle as she could during her attack.

After the fight which left them baffled, they watched the video numerous of times, trying to understand just how she defeated them. Only in slow motion could they manage to see her dexterity, her speed and her strength. And lastly, they could see how she had carefully selected them out of the 30 or more werewolves that remained in the circle at the time of their fight.

Skillfully moving between them, she threw their opponents out of the circle, even though some of them were in a more unfavorable position than the other candidate at that moment. She could have had an easier time taking them out, rather than the other.

In essence, she was the one who picked them to form their group. As such, being recognized by her they felt a sense of camaraderie, and even though only two months had passed, they were already a pack.

Sitting with the rest of the guys, she also did not feel awkward in their presence anymore. She was not a talkative person, she did not try to keep a conversation going, and most of the time she did not join in their talks, but strangely she did not feel excluded. They would always refer to her as well when speaking, and would also respect her status between them.

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