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Full cover:

"What the?! W-Who-? Who are you?!" The boy you previously believed to be Naruto yelled as he rubbed at his goggles in disbelief

'Ayo, Naruto lookin a lil different here...'

That was the thought running through your head as you came face to face with the one and only Obito Uchiha.

You sighed as you questioned how the fuck you got into this situation.

'Shiii- at least I don't gotta do those missing assignments anymore🎆'


You had woken up that morning feeling like complete shit. Which...wasn't unusual.

However, this morning felt...different.

It could've been a foreboding feeling, warning you of what was to come,


It was the feeling of you realizing you were fucked with your absence in zoom meetings for class and the WEEKS worth of assignments marked as missing...

Yeah...this was a rabbit hole you couldn't exactly get out of anymore

So you had accepted there was no going back and were merely enjoying whatever time there was left of the calm before the storm by watching anime on your phone

Your laptop had gone "✌" the day before so you could no longer use it.

It was a tragic day truly.

As soon as it had stopped working you ran out of the room in a panic to go grab the family member that was particularly gifted when it came to technology.

However, by the time you had come back it was too late and your laptop was never able to turn back on again.

Due to quarantine you couldn't get it fixed immediately so the only thing you could do was opt to using your phone instead.

On a positive note, you had access to Netflix so it wasn't hard to watch anime, however, the selection was limited so you opted to watch the one show that never failed to make you smile. Naruto.

As you clicked on the first episode of Naruto, you were greeted by a buffering screen which you didn't pay much mind to since you figured would only last for a second

You realized your mistake once it hadn't stopped for 15.minutes.

You tried with all your might and your last braincell's intellect to fix the problem

However, you just couldn't exit the buffer screen or even turn off your phone for that matter

You realized the severity of your problem hella fast once you saw your arms turn into pixelated particles which were beginning to get sucked into the screen

', this is fine.'

You couldn't remember much except accepting your fate as some SAO death particles and blacking out



Did you always live in the middle of a forest...?

You had been laying on your back with your "-_-" sleeping mask on your eyes before sitting up and taking them off quickly

The sight that had greeted you was a bigass forest

"Is this a kidnapping??? No that can't be it..."

You stood up and dusted the back of your overalls off-

'Hol up- since when was I wearing overalls??? I swore I just had my Shrek pijamas on...'

You shrugged it off figuring that wearing pijamas wouldn't be as convinient in a forest as what your current attire was

You proceeded to wander around the forest until you heard some yelling in the distance

You decided there wasn't anything else you could do and you wouldn't mind dying out in a forest so you followed the direction of the voice

A couple scratches and bruises later from twigs and bushes

You could hear the voice more clearly and it reminded you of Naruto

'Wait a minute...woke up in a place I don't clothes...big ass forest...Am I in Naruto???'

You contemplated all the cliches that you had experienced before coming to the conclusion that there was a chance you had been isekaid into Naruto

'Which time period am I in though? I'm going to assume it's Naruto since it's always Naruto'

You could hear the voice more clearly as you were a bush away

"Aw man! Not again!" You could hear the voice yell out in frustration

It sounded like he was training but you couldn't exactly tell from behind the big ass bush you had hidden behind

You weren't trying to seem like a creepy lurker but you weren't exactly sure how to just come out of this bush normally and ask where you were

Luckily! Or more so unluckily, you didn't have to think about how to go about it for too long because of how you tripped into the bush and landed in front of the boy who's voice you'd been practically stalking

"What the?! W-Who-? Who are you?!" The boy you previously believed to be Naruto yelled as he rubbed at his goggles in disbelief

'Ayo, Naruto lookin a lil different here...'

That was the thought running through your head as you came face to face with the one and only Obito Uchiha.

You sighed as you questioned how the fuck you got into this situation.

'Shiii- at least I don't gotta do those missing assignments anymore✨'


A/n: I'm keeping the prologue short like always

Published: 11/03/20

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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((On Hold)) Hol up- Is that Obito???Where stories live. Discover now