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    Later that evening, as the sun was just beginning to descend from the starless sky, Elodie and Elizabeth found themselves back in the drawing room; where Elodie assumed the Bingleys spent most of their day, lounging about and perhaps playing a game or two of cards.

    They had missed supper but they weren't hungry in the slightest.

    Mr. Bingley, Miss Bingley, and Mr. Darcy were conveniently there as well, the two siblings lavishly enjoying their plush, velvet couch and the latter hastily writing with his quill and ink at his desk, brooding black eyes focused upon the parchment like a hungry lion to a weak gazelle.

Every time Elodie walked into the drawing-room, or any room in their estate really, she had to force her jaw closed to make sure it didn't hit the floor in amazement. Truly, their manor was gorgeous compared to other places she had been. And it was certainly more beautiful than the Bennets' house.

    No, the ivy suffocated walls and half-broken fences were nothing when compared to the tall stained-glass windows and lush gardens of Netherfield.

"Is Jane well?" Elodie blinked the glaze in her eyes away to peer up at Charles Bingley, his warm smile brimming with that familiar joy as Elizabeth and her entered. Elodie pondered the question a moment while Mr. Darcy fiddled with his quill, his ears perked and listening.

    If she told Charles the truth, her mother would be positively infuriated with her for Jane was recovering quite well and was almost ready to leave. "She hasn't improved much from the last few times you saw her. Other than that I don't have anything else worth noting regarding her health."

    Elizabeth nodded her head, satisfied with her sister's answer. There, now they won't be scolded too harshly by their mother. "A shame she was caught up in such weather." Caroline noted with an edge to her airy voice as she motioned for the two girls to sit across from her.

    Elodie looked to Elizabeth and tightened her bottom lip, holding back a smart quip. Elizabeth coughed to ease the cheeky giggle that began to rise in her throat, seeing her sister frustrated was quite entertaining indeed.

    "Yes, truly. We should have taken notice of the sky before we sent her off." Elizabeth responded in Elodie's stead, which she was quite grateful for. The thought of addressing Caroline's obviously venomous comments started to leave a sour taste in her mouth.

Caroline said nothing in turn but smiled uneasily, choosing to finish her glass of wine with a swift sip instead of continuing their painful conversation. Nobody spoke the next few moments that passed, for Caroline had silenced the group into awkwardness.

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