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Blood pumping through her veins
Adrenaline fueling her steps
Fear overcoming the pains

Eyes wide in fear
Looking behind every corner
Praying to God, that those boys disappear

Tears running down her face
Hurrying forward
Blindly trying to escape the place

But alas! It was fate
The boys caught her
With their hands trying to clutch at her waist

Something flashed through her mind
Her father's words!
That was all the strength she had to find

Pushing those hands, that were astray
Kicking and scratching them
And cursing them away

Soon, a crowd gathered
Catching the sight of those boys running, and questioning
But now she can not be bothered

Because now she understood
The weight of her father's words
"Courage is in every woman's blood."

Labyrinth of my mind.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin