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So I have to draw 8 more covers and aHHH. Anyway, here's chapter 2.

 Anyway, here's chapter 2

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"Again." Shiva's commanding voice rang through the training room. "Straighten your hind leg to maintain your balance."

Three year old Marinette obeyed, launching her small body into another series of attacks on the training dummy with her fists.

"Again. Your form was sloppy."




The pattern continued until she was too exhausted to hold herself up and collapsed. Shiva tutted. "Still weak. I suppose we will have to end there for today. Dismissed."

Marinette painstakingly picked herself off the ground and made her way back to her tiny living quarters.


Marinette parried another strike from her trainer, unflinching as the blades clashed millimeters away from her face. Her five year old arms shook with the effort to hold the blade there, and she ducked and rolled when the strain became too much.

She turned just in time to meet another strike before knocking her trainer's blade to the side and slashing with her own katana. They trade blows back and forth until she sees another woman with auburn hair enter the courtyard, followed by a boy that has her hair and facial features.

The moment of hesitation is enough. Her trainer's katana slashes across her chest, tearing through her skin and flesh and definitely scraping a lung. The pain is something she has never felt before, and she had already gone through the first round of torture resistance.

It burned, and she couldn't breathe. The last thing she sees before everything goes black is Lady Shiva's frown, the boy's look of mild curiosity, and the concern that flashed through the auburn-haired woman's eyes before she stuffed it down.


Marinette woke in the sickly green waters of the Lazarus Pit with a new bloodthirsty voice in her head. The first healer that came to check on her was murdered with her bare hands. As was the second, and the third.

It took months to learn to control the voice, the urges to kill. When she realized she had taken another three lives, she cried, but only when she was alone. Crying is a weakness that she could not show.

She returns to her room after another day of training to find the auburn-haired woman from a few months ago sitting on her bed.

The woman introduces herself as Talia al Ghul, and tells Marinette that she is her mother.

Her grandfather is the Demon's Head, and the boy she saw, her twin brother, Damian, is his heir.

Marinette asks why she is ranked so low if her brother is the Prince. Talia's eyes harden.

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