the birth of the Pandavas

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No one's Pov

It had been many months since Pandu had taken the decision to retire into the woods in fear of the curse of Rishi Kindama. His two devoted wives, Kunti and Madri had also decided to follow him. One day, Pandu was walking in the fields with Kunti. Kunti had received news about Gandhari's prolonged pregnancy and was getting very worried. She asked Pandu,

"Arya, is it true that the love between the king and queen is connected to their baby?"

"Why such a question Kunti?" Pandu asked, confused.

" I'm getting really worried about jiji. She had taken a lot of effort to earn the love of jesht. I worry that..."

"You are getting worried for no reason Kunti. The baby is the fruit of a  husband and wife's love, not the reason." He said.

Then, his smile fading, he added. " I won't be able to give you or Madri any child, does that mean that your love for me has decreased?"

"No Arya!" Kunti protested, "not in a thousand years!"

Pandu smiled and said " then don't worry about babhi shri. This is an unfortunate time for the Kuru lineage. Eventually these times will pass away."

Kunti smiled and said "Arya, you have great patience and tolerance."

Pandu smiled and said,

" Because the Kuru lineage has faced unfortunate events before. My father Vichitravirya also died childless. Then thashree and rajmatha requested Vedvyas for niyog."

"Niyog Arya?"

"When a capable sage, without any selfishness, but for the welfare of the people, agrees to help a woman get a son, it is called niyog. Then that woman's husband is claimed as the father of that child. But if the husband is alive then this practice is not allowed."

As Pandu walked away, Kunti remembered of the boon that was given to her by Rishi Durvasa. She then thought of her baby whom she had conceived out of wedlock. She was still thinking of whether to tell her husband of him.

A few hours later, she met Pandu beside their house and sat next to him. Nervously, she said,
"Arya, you might wonder why I kept this secret from you for so long. But I used to think, that asking for a child, and becoming a mother would be my selfishness, that is why I kept quiet. But to suffer the curse with you, is my foremost responsibility as a wife."

She looked at him and said,

"Arya, when I was a girl, Rishi Durvasa gave me a boon through which, I can call upon any god and mother a child with that specific god's quality. Meaning, I can beget a child without the need of conception."

Pandu was beaming once Kunti finished telling him. He excitedly asked her,

" Are you telling me the truth Kunti! This is amazing! You have just ended the struggle that the Kuru lineage is going through!"

Kunti smiled seeing her husband so happy, but then with a serious expression, she said.

" But Arya I..."

But Pandu was too excited to hear her. He quickly said,

" Wait till Madri hears this! I shall be indebted to you forever Kunti! The whole of kurukshetra should be!"

Kunti sighed as Pandu walked away. She wanted to tell him about Karna, but her hesitation got in the way.

That evening, Kunti and Pandu went to the edge of the forest and Kunti, using the mantra called upon Yama, the God of righteousness, who granted her a son. Pandu was elated to have a son who would always strive on the path of righteousness. He named the boy Yudhishthir.

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