Chapter one

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A few months after the confrontation with the Volturi Carlisle decided that the family should take a vacation to Isle Esme and he would invite Aro, Marcus, and Caius as an olive branch to try and resolve current tensions between the two covens. He also knew they would bring Demetri, Felix and the twins. He sent an invitation with the details and that's when things got interesting. The Moment they accepted the invite Alice had a vision that would change everything for Alyssa Swan, Bella's younger sister. After her vision she spoke to Carlisle who decided that Aro needed to know about what Alice saw and to get his permission to tell Alyssa about the vampire world. Aro agreed on the condition that Alyssa joined them on the two week vacation so with that Esme invited Alyssa to vacation with them.

Aro decided not to tell anyone about what Alice saw as he knew her visions were subjective and he wanted to see for himself first hand and have Marcus confirm it. Aro had told his brothers and the four elite guards that Carlisle was bringing a human and that noone was to touch or harm her. Caius wasn't pleased to have a human around especially if she knew the Cullens. "I thought Carlisle wanted to build bridges, so why is he bringing a human with him?" Caius said sounding displeased "Because I gave him permission brother and she isn't just any human, she's family" Aro responded grinning at Caius. "Family? Who's family?" Caius demanded "Bella's but hopefully she will bring us closer to the Cullens" Aro replied still grinning "What are you up to Aro?" Marcus asks "Nothing brother. I'm just looking forward to our vacation" Marcus was suspicious as Aro seemed far too happy to meet this human. Demetri and Jane had heard this exchange as they were the only guards in the throne room as Aro had dismissed the others. Jane was intrigued to find out if Bella's relative would be immune to her gift whilst Demetri was curious as why Aro was allowing the Cullens to bring a human on vacation with them.

Later that night Aro called Felix and Alec to the throne room "Now the four of you are here I have some news to share. We have been invited to join the Cullens on a two week vacation, on Isle Esme. There will be a human relative of Bella's joining us, therefore, there is a house rule in place that must not be broken; Noone is to touch or harm the human girl. Is that understood?" Aro said looking at the guards "Yes master." Felix replied, the other three nodding in agreement.

One month later the Cullens and Alyssa arrived at Isle Esme; the Volturi were already inside the house waiting for them, Aro being excited to meet Alyssa. "Afternoon Aro, Marcus, Caius" Carlisle greeted. "Carlisle so nice to see you again" Aro said shaking his hand. "Esme my dear, thank you for inviting us to your lovely home" Marcus said smiling "You're very welcome. We're glad you could come" Esme replied. Demetri tuned out this conversation the second he saw Alyssa; her long brown hair, the blue denim shorts and pink strappy top she was wearing and the leopard print sunglasses covering her eyes. She was standing beside Bella and he was amazed at the self-control Bella had around her, even if she was family considering Bella was still a newborn. "Aro this is Alyssa Swan, Bella's sister" Carlisle says pointing to Alyssa; she lifts her sunglasses to rest on top of her head "Hello Aro, it's nice to meet you" She holds out her hand to him. Demetri notices her chocolate brown eyes "She's really pretty for a human" Jane whispers to Alec "Prettier than Bella was when she was human" He responds, Demetri smiling as he agrees with the twins 'She's beautiful. Shame about the 'no touching the girl' house rule' He thinks to himself, a low growl came from Edward, causing Demetri to smirk in his direction 'Don't like my thoughts, stay out of my head' He thought.

Meanwhile, "Amazing, I see nothing, much like your sister" Aro says smiling "Jane" Caius says raising a hand to call her forward "That won't be necessary my dear" Aro interjects, and Jane steps back beside her brother. "Alyssa, these are my brothers Marcus and Caius" Aro says pointing to his brothers. "These are our elite guards; left to right we have Felix, Demetri, Jane and Alec" They all nod, Demetri smiling at her "It's nice to meet you all" She responds smiling. "What I don't understand is why another human knows about us and why is she here on vacation with all of us?" Caius asks, clearly irritated "As I said before brother, Alyssa knows about us because I gave Carlisle permission to tell her on the condition that she comes on vacation with us" Aro replies smiling "That still doesn't explain why she had to know about us" Caius says "All will be revealed in time dear brother" Aro replies whilst looking at Alyssa and smiling. "Alyssa come with me and I'll show you to your room" Esme says smiling and placing her hand gently on Alyssa's back as they leave the room, Demetri watching them leave. Marcus stayed quiet observing the interactions of everyone in the room.

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