episode one

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Episode 1: Anime revolution prequel part I
*At an abandoned castle, in the throne room there are seven empty throne like chairs and then they are filled with six figures wearing black tunics and then the candles in the chandelier are lit but not with a flame tip like regular candles the flames are black but still illuminates the dark room which they are sitting*
???#1: The boy is almost awakening if he awakens our plans will fail.
???#2: We have to stop him before the revolution finds him.
???#3: Don't worry we will succeed where the others have failed.
???#4: So you have a plan then huh?
???#5: Yes i will send 'him' down to gather more forces for us to use to take down the revolution once and for all
???#6: You mean?
???#5: Yes i mean Vossler.
???#1: Hmmm he is our best warrior no one can beat his power.
???:#2: Now we wait for him to awaken and then we strike.
*the 7 candles fizzle out as the ones in the thrones vanish laughing manically*
*opening theme: save the world (phantasy star Universe)
Demetrius Sneed age 24 is running along a road when he hears a voice call out to him like before when he slumbers in his bedroom after a long day at school*
Voice: Demetrius...... come and find meeeeeee.
Demetrius: Huh? who's there?
Voice: Come and find me before the shadows do.
Demetrius: Nani??? Shadows???
Voice: I'll explain later but for now wake up.
*End of dream sequence*
*Demetrius Sneed age 24 wakes up from his sleep in a cold sweat
Demetrius: It's that dream again what does it all mean?
*He then looks at his clock and sighs deeply*
Demetrius: *sigh* It's 3:00 am and i have to go to school soon maybe i should play sonic heroes or something.
*He cuts his light on and he cuts on his ps2 and spends the rest of the time before his alarm goes off at 6:10 playing sonic heroes unaware of the forces at work that will awaken his destiny*
*Demetrius's alarm goes off at 6:10 and he goes to cut it off and he saves the game after beating eggman once more and then he goes to get dressed and while he is getting dressed,he hears a different voice from the one he heard before*
Voice: It is almost time you must be ready the shadows are watching
*Demetrius quickly looks around*
Demetrius: Huh who's there?
Voice: You must reach the sword and take the power that is inside.
Demetrius: What do you mean? What sword?
Voice: All will be revealed in time but for now go to school.
*He looks at his clock and sees that it is 6:45 and he goes to his closet and pulls out a pair of blue shorts that go to the ankles, a white shirt, a black button downed shirt, some white socks,and his black and yellow shoes,then he heads down the stairs and he heads out the front door and he makes his way to his school unaware of two people watching him*
???:Hurry and Awaken demetrius
*On his way to school he spots a weird person running up and then he gets blasted by some kind of energy attack which sends him rolling in the grass and he lands near a weird looking rock with a sword sticking out of it and it starts to glow*
*End of part one*
Anime revolution requel: part II
*Demetrius is by the weird looking rock with the sword sticking out of it glowing as if it was reacting to his presence*
*Battle music: Boss battle: Final fantasy X*
Demetrius: Oww whoever she is she aint playing around she playing for keeps
*she fires a energy blast at him again and he looks at her firing it*
Demetrius: Oh man what am i going to do? is this where i die here by this weird rock with the sword coming from it? wait,Sword????
*just then the voice spoke again*
Voice: Pull me out Demetrius it is time, you must awaken to your destiny
Demetrius: My destiny?
Voice: Yes pull me out and you will be able to do something about the blast that is coming at you
Demetrius: Well when you put it that way
*He gets up and he grips the handle of the sword and he pulls it out of the ground and when he does a huge surge of light comes at the blast sending it away from him as she smiles at him*
Demetrius: Wait this is cloud's buster sword from final fantasy XII. (7)
???: Ahh you have awakened.
Demetrius: Now i'm mad!
*He grips the sword with two hands and then charges at her and she encases him in an electric field and she backs up*
Demetrius: I'm not beaten yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *swings the sword in a downward motion*
*When he swung the sword downwards a beam of pure energy comes from it and the girl manages to get hit and knocked down as Demetrius rushed her again and he pointed the sword at her*
Demetrius: Who are you and why did you attack me?
???: We will meet again,chosen one
*She vanishes away from him and laughs as she does*
Demetrius: Arghh!!!!!!!! You coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*A couple of minutes later Demetrius is walking down the street heading to school once more lost in thought*
Demetrius: what is going on here i have the buster sword does that mean that i am supposed to something good
*Just then a weird guy appears by a tree and then stands in his way *
*Battle Music: Star Ocean: through the end of time*
???: Ahh you are the holder of the buster blade
Demetrius: and you talk to much *holds out his left hand and he summons his buster blade and then holds it in front of him and grips it with his other hand*
???: Show me what you got rookie
Demetrius: Well you asked for it *charges at him with his sword and the guy blocks it with his left arm and then they jump back*
*Then the guy gets into a stance and puts his hands together and then opens them wide as a energy ball forms and then tosses it at Demetrius*
Demetrius: Crap *runs away and dodges it and makes it back to where he was at*
???: Had enough yet?!
Demetrius:  Fira Edge!!!
*He swings his sword in a clockwise motion and a wave of intense flame shoots out and comes at the guy who just stands there and when he opens his eyes the wave dissapates*
Demetrius: *pants* Man he's tough but i wont quit. Aerial Edge!!!!!
*He charges at him with the speed of wind as his blade turns blue like the sky and he thrusts it upward and it almost connects with the guy but he jumps back only geting nicked by it*
Demetrius: Finally i got a hit off on him.
???: Your good rookie now let me show you what i can do
*He waves his hand and he vanishes *
Demetrius: Hey where he go? I feel funny,what's happening to me?
*Demetrius vanishes as well and arrives in a open field where he was waiting for Demetrius to arrive*
???: Now that we have some room show me what you can do. BURNING BIG BANG!!!!!!! *makes a ball of energy appear and tosses it at Demetrius*
Demetrius: Aerial Edge!!!!!
*He charges at him and he runs fast as the buster blade gets caught in the wind and it makes him go even faster towards him*
End of part two
Ending music: second ending from bleach

Anime Revolution season 1Where stories live. Discover now