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Hi guys. I am so so sorry it has been so long. I had been updating everyday and i didn't realize how tiring it was. My writing also got progressively worse as the chapters went on. I want to start updating again. I also started a new story but i am not publishing that one until i finish the entire thing. That way I can make it the best it can be and so you guys don't have to wait for new updates.

I want to continue writing this story but i'm not sure which way it's going to go. School these past weeks has really gotten to me.

I have been struggling to find motivation for anything these past few weeks. I am trying to be more productive and do more for myself but it is hard. I'm making progress though. I want to also create a good writing and upload schedule.

How are you guys?

Anyways..... on with the chapter

sorry if this isn't great :/

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"Bella!" The sound of someone running filled the hallway.

"Bella please wait!" Christian yelled after me.

I ignored his calls and sped walked to the parking lot. I got to my bike and quickly grabbed my keys from my bag.

I was too angry. I needed to get out of there.

There was only one place I go when i'm angry.

I pulled up to the familiar run down gym. It looks pretty bad from the outside but the inside is in good shape.

I shove the door open and walk inside. I look straight ahead and quickly make my way to the locker room.

"Hey Bella!" The owner yells to me. I just continued walking to the locker room. When I didn't respond I heard him mutter "Oh shit"

I had my stuff in the locker room. Since I come here all the time the owner Chris gave me my own locker. I have a key to it so no one can get in.

I quickly grab some leggings and a sports bra before putting them on. Pulling my hair back in a pony tail, I then grabbed my wraps.

I wrapped my hands while walking to the punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

I didn't hesitate as I began to punch.

All I saw was red.

How dare Zach try to blame me.


Who did that jock think he is?


Trust me, I know girls aren't perfect when I say this but guys wonder why they can't get a girlfriend, this is why. Sometimes their behavior is repulsive. We may never know what goes through their minds.

"Man I wouldn-" I heard Chris tell someone.

Someone then came up to the bag and held it so it wouldn't move.

I looked to see who the hands on the bag were connected too. Christian was staring at me from the side of the bag.

"Get out of here Christian" I spat angrily, sending another punch to the bag between his hands.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone when your like this" He stayed put.

"Like what Christian?" I rolled my eyes.

"You know how you get. Especially aft-" he had a sympathetic expression on his face.

"We aren't talking about that anymore. It was a while ago okay?" I stepped away from the bag for a moment.

I then noticed the rest of the guys watching us. Including Zach.

Zach stood stiffly with an unreadable expression.

"Why did you bring him" I looked Zach up and down with a glare.

"He wanted to come" Christian shrugged.

"No I didn't" Zach said quickly, sending a glare to Christian.

Zach and I continued to glare at each other until Christian interrupted.

"Anywayyy do you want to get food? I know your mom isn't going to be happy about you skipping"

"She's going to have to deal with it. I will be back" I walked to the locker room without turning around. I did feel someone's eyes on my ass though. I bet it was just Leo.

I changed out of my workout clothes and put on a hoodie I had in my locker. It was Christians but it was comfortable so I didn't care.

I grabbed my bag and walked back into the main gym. The guys stood in the same spot, discussing something.

"Ready?" They all turn at the sound of my voice.

"Yep" Christian began to walk out.

I was walking through the door when I saw Zach eyeing my torso.

"Is there an issue?" I asked

"Yeah. You said you don't have a boyfriend and the fact that your wearing a guys sweatshirt isn't helping your case against my previous statement" He said meaning what he said in the classroom.

"Why do you care? And for your information, not that you need to know, this is Christians. So unless your into incest, i'd suggest you shut the fuck up." I walked to my bike.

"I will just meet you there. What restaurant?" I yelled to the other guys.

"Meet us at Roses diner" Justin spoke up.

I nodded, putting my helmet on. I didn't wait to see if the guys were behind me. I zoomed through the traffic and got there in record time. When i'm in a bad mood, my driving reflects it. I'm a fast driver but I tend to go even faster.

Roses diner was an old diner that had an older vibe to it. They have the best milkshakes and pancakes here.

I walked in a sat at a large booth. I waited a few minutes, scrolling through my phone. The bell on the door rang and in walked the four boys. Zach sat across from me with Christian by his side. Leo sat directly next to me with the excuse of "I need to be with my girl!" while Justin just sat next to him silently.

"Hi what can I get you guys?" A waitress around our age walks up. 

The guys order first with Zach going last.

"Can I have a cheeseburger and fries with a coke?" Zach flirtatiously winks at her.

I roll my eyes before saying "Can I have the pancakes and a cookies and cream milkshake"

"Wow " Zach asked with a weird look.

"I want what I want and I really don't give a fuck what you think."

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if I post on my conversations section, can you guys see what I post? I want to be able to communicate with you guys there.

Today i read the book "We Were Liars" in there hours! I was totally not expecting the plot twist.

Have any of you read it?

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