chapter i

330 9 6

Letter - from the Lost Days - Akira Yamaoka

The Night After

I've been separated from Michael. I don't know where he is but all I know is he is not with me. I've been sent to a psychiatric hospital. A very strict one with high security. I am a criminal but the reason I am not being sent to prison is because doctors are convinced Michael has possessed me; they now want to try to fix me. I know their tactics won't work. I will always be the same immortal being now. There's no going back. Thorn has been destroyed. Only they can defeat me.

They think this is some phase I'm going through, that it will "overcome me soon". Right. Immortality will just wear off in no time! It's "definitely" not something I've been turned into.

Anyway, they forced me into some coveralls similar to Michael's but now they are a bright orange. I guess you could say it was like prison. The reason it is orange is because if I ever tried to escape they could find me from far away from how bright it is. I'd be spotted from miles away because of how blinding this suit is. It's unfortunate.

I've swallowed so many pills in just a single day I think I might overdose. They give me so many different colored pills. Red, blue, pink. All of which I have no clue what their method is. Maybe to numb my thoughts, calm my anxiety or depression, or just death pills. Maybe they want to kill me. I don't mind, really.

Michael was taken away from me was because police found us up on the roof. Yes, where I was going to commit suicide. I have second thoughts where I tell myself I should've just done it. But I also tell myself that Michael is still alive. He has to be. No one can kill him now. No more Thorn. Only he can kill himself. That goes the same with me, I think. I'm almost certain that I'm weaker than Michael so I'm sure if someone were to beat me up they would get some damage on me.

I sit on a wooden rocking chair next to my metal bed that is bolted into the floor. The window I am looking out of has bars covering it so if I tried to get out through the window I would fail and set off an alarm. They don't even provide me with a table. That's too dangerous for me. I'm grateful they let me have this chair.

There's my pillow in my lap, wrapped in my arms. I cuddle it, breathing heavily into it. I'm not crying but I am sad. The pills they gave me are stopping me from crying my eyes out. Without the pills, my eyes would be stained red permanently from all the tears. With these pills, my emotions are even harder to understand. I don't know what sadness is now. I don't know what anger is. I was learning how to love but I've totally lost interest in it. I'm just so sad. I can't access my feelings.

I've been plotting to murder this nurse that checks on me every hour but I don't know how. There is no way I can possibly do that. I have nothing to defend myself and nothing to even kill her.

My parents haven't tried visiting or talking to me. I don't blame them. I probably wouldn't either. I'm not even sure if this hospital allows visitors to the mentally insane patients. Family included. I don't feel like family anymore. They don't feel like my parents. My friends don't feel like my friends. I've lost everything. How badly I want it all back.

There is a radio that is in the wall that I can listen to, though. I can twist the knobs to turn it up or change the channel. It's an old-fashioned radio. It doesn't sound the greatest but it has been my only source of entertainment this past night of being here. My first, almost second, night.

More and more leaves fall from trees outside. People are outside with smiles on their faces. Kids giggle with others. Halloween is over. It feels like it didn't happen. It all seemed like one giant blur.

My eyelids are getting heavy and my body is tilting to the sides. I have to constantly catch myself from falling off the chair. I'm closing my eyes again... my breathing seems so hallow... I let my body calm down. I feel peaceful. Then I see Clovis being stabbed by my own hands. I'm shaken awake again. I can't escape it.

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