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   THE BELL SOUNDED and it was time to go home from school. The amount of homework was significantly less than Welton, which you were happy about. However, you had to go home now, which you weren't as happy about.

You stepped outside with Charlie, sighing deeply. The wind whipped at your cheeks and the snow crunched beneath your feet.

"My dad's picking me up, we better not be seen," you frowned.

"Okay, good luck at home," he offered.

"You too," you laughed. As you turned towards him he pecked your cheek. You giggled and looked back around to search the parking lot for your father's crimson car. Instead of your father, you saw a brown bicycle with a boy wearing a uniform you'd seen many times before.

"Knox!" you shouted, waving frantically. "Charlie! It's Knox!" Charlie turned on his heel with a grin and started to chase Knox down the road. You laughed and followed before Knox halted and got off his bike.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Charlie asked.

"Alright, so here's the plan. On Friday we're all gonna go to the cave and hold a meeting in Neil's honour. Ten o'clock. Can you do it?" he asked breathlessly.

"Hell yeah, we can!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Well... I dunno, my father isn't an easy person to fool," you shrugged sadly.

"Well he hasn't met me yet," Charlie smirked. You grinned and looked back at Knox.

"I'll find a way."

"Perfect, see you guys there. I really really wish I could stay but you know how Welton is on a Monday," he groaned.

"Yeah, we-"

"Y/N!" A loud honk of a horn followed. You snapped your head back to the parking lot to see your father's face in his car window.

"Damnit," you muttered. "See you guys."

"Hey, I'll miss you Y/N," Charlie patted your shoulder.

"Me too!" Knox added, opening his arms for a hug.

"Y/N! Come on!" your father shouted again.

"I'm really sorry, see you Friday, Knox. See you tomorrow Charlie."

You peered through the crack between the wall and your door. Your father clicked off his reading light and trudged up the steps to his room. You had the same feelings of anticipation that you did the very first night you snuck off into the woods for the very first Dead Poets Society meeting.

You waited a moment before carefully closing your door. You tip-toed down the stairs and made your way carefully to the back door, which was the furthest door from your parents' room.

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