Chapter eleven

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When my eyes open the next morning, the sun is shining brightly through my window. I jump out of bed and look through my closet for a outfit. I find my pink Nike jumpsuit and nod to myself. Next I grab my white forces from the closet and set them on the floor. I grab my towel and my speaker, then make my way into the bathroom. I turn the shower on then I connect my phone to the speaker. I go to pandora and press shuffle. Live while we're young comes on and a sense of nostalgia takes over me. I leave the song on and then jump in the shower.

I wash my hair and my body and then quietly stand there letting the music fill my ears. I feel a presence as I stand there with my eyes closed and it grows stronger with each passing moment. I finally decide to open my eyes and look around but I see no one. I tell myself I'm being paranoid and shut off the water. Once I'm dressed, I sit down at my vanity and start to do my hair. I run a wide tooth comb through it and then I apply some curly products to it so that my curls are big and bouncy today.

I slip on my shoes, grab my book bag and my purse, then I make my way downstairs and out the door. I decide to make the five minute walk to the twins house. As I'm walking I can feel the same presence I felt while in the bathroom. I look around me but see no one. I arrive at the twins house and they're waiting for me outside. "No car?" They smile at me. "Nah no car. It's nice today actually." They agree and we start our walk to the school.

When we get there I instantly look around for Donny. Our lunch date yesterday was Geary entertaining. When he took that first bite out of the burger, his face turned beet red. He drank six cups of milk just to finish the burger, I was laughing the entire time. I spot Donny leaning against the wall but then something happens and it makes me question whether or not I was awake. The twins turn to see what I'm looking at and they gasp when they see it as well. Donny is kissing, no fuck that, sucking the face of Katie Green, and he looks like he's enjoying it. I feel my energy falter but I refuse to cry, I refuse to let THAT ruin my good mood.

"Ladies..." the girls turn to me and they both tilt their heads at the same time making me laugh. "Want to go grab lunch off campus today?" Tia looks back at Donny who has Katie under his arm. When her eyes return to me I see mischief in them. "Yea I'm down." I smile at her and then turn to her sister. "Whatever she's planning I'm in." We all hug before dispersing for our classes. I make my way to Chemistry, because we have the b schedule today, and happily greet my teacher. He's an older man with bright blue eyes and he's actually quite funny. I wait for the bell to ring so class could start, but I suddenly feel that same presence that I felt on the way here.

I shake it off and focus on what the teacher was saying so I could take notes. When class was over I begrudgingly made my way to the one class I have with Donny, English. I greet my teacher then make my way to the back of the class. When Donny walks in I don't even let my eyes shift his way. I keep them focused on the desk of the teacher. I feel his arm drape around the back of my chair and I snort aloud. The teacher looks back to check on me but I put my hand over my mouth so it looked like a sneeze. Donny passed me a few notes during class which I didn't read. I just left them there, on the corner of my desk.

I count down the minutes until English is over and I can finally get away from the he devil. All that talking about you not wanting him and now look at him... my subconscious pipes up and for once I agree with her. The bell rings and I purposely take forever to leave the class. I poke my head out of the classroom door and sigh in relief when I see no one. My head is full of thoughts about all the things he's said to me, are they all fake too?

By the time lunch rolls around I'm starving, I'm so glad lunch is a hour. I meet the twins at my locker and we all decide on potbelly's. It's a sandwich shop just around the corner and it's so good. I place my books into my locker, then make my way to the front of the school. Tia wraps her arm around mine and starts talking about this guy she's been crushing on for the longest. "His brown skin is just so smooth ugh!" I let out a laugh and turn my head to wiggle my eyebrows at her.

I look at Sophia and she seems down. "What's wrong?" Her head shoots up and she shrugs. "I'll tell you once we're off school grounds, there's too many ears." I nod and groan in frustration when Donny pops out from behind the tree at the end of the school yard. "Where you ladies going?" He flashes a smile at me and I roll my eyes. Hurt crosses his face but it's quickly replaced with a smile. "Potbelly's." Tia answers for us and then pulls me and Sophia away from him. "Do you guys think I'm being childish about the situation?" They look at each other than back at me. "Not at all. If anything you've gone about it better than anyone else would have." Sophia tells me. "And you know me. I like to get even so I don't think your being childish." Tias says.

We arrive at potbelly and instantly choose to sit outside. Once we're all situated, phia starts to tell us what's wrong. "Remember when you hooked me up on the date with Zach?" I nod because I totally forgot to ask how it went. "We'll just last week he said he wanted space so I gave him what he wanted. But now he isn't texting or calling me back at all..." I frown because Zach really likes Sophia. "I can ask him what's going on if you want me too?" She looks at me and then smiles. "Really? Because I don't wanna seem desperate or anything but it's really bothering me." I let out a small laugh and nod. "I got you girl don't worry about it."

When we make it back to school the principal is standing outside on the steps. "You can all go home, we are currently in a code blue so classes are finished for the day." The crowd of students breaks into whispers and I wonder what's going on. As everyone is leaving the doors to the school swing open and Katie comes running out like she's seen a ghost. The principal runs after her and stops her before she's off school property. A ambulance pulls up and the principal quickly waves them over. "Wonder what that's all about..." Tia says from beside me and I nod in agreement. 

The three of us walk home together and I wave at the twins mom before making my way to my own house. When I get there Nancy is sitting on the front porch drinking lemonade with Donny. With a sigh I walk up the stairs and greet Nancy. I give her a hug then make my way up to my room. I throw my book bag on the bed and when I turn around Donny is standing there. "What the hell!" I half shout. My heart is racing and I can't believe I didn't hear him walk in after me. "What do you want?" I take off my shoes and neatly place them back in the closet. "Why am I getting the cold shoulder?" He sits on my vanity chair and turns to me.

"Don't play coy Donny. You know I actually believed you when you said I was the one you wanted to be with when they let you back on this earth." He nods so I continue. "So did you enjoy your kiss with Katie today?" His eyes go wide and he stands up. "I mean it's not like we were building our bond back up or anything." I let out a dry laugh and plop on my bed. "It was just a kiss." That's all he says. I turn my head to him and ask him to leave. He doesn't so I ask him again but he still doesn't leave. "Storm you can be serious right now? All of this over a stupid kiss that meant nothing to me?!" I look at him and actually laugh. "It meant nothing but you were practically sucking her face off Donny! What aren't you understanding here?" I get up and open my bedroom door. "Get out!" He stomps down the stairs and i slam my door for effect.

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