ch 44 : christmas eve

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Before you knew it, it was time for Christmas break. The Potters, Weasleys, and Hermione all piled onto the train together, and you all split off into separate compartments after agreeing on a place to meet up with each other after.

Ron had started to say something to you, but before the words even left his mouth, Fred and George had wrapped their hands around your upper arms and dragged you away from the others. You shot them all apologetic glances as the tall twins whisked you away with them to find a different compartment.

You just chuckled, "Boys, Ron was trying to say something!"

"We know," They said together with wide grins.

Sighing, you added, "What if it was something important?" You crossed your arms and looked at them with wide eyes as they stopped in front of an empty compartment.

Wrapping his hands around your wrists and walking into the compartment backwards, George pointed out, "It was probably just to ask you for money for sweets."

"Or worse yet, he might have been asking you to join them in their compartment," Fred laughed as he slid the door shut behind him.

George gave you a sly grin and teased, "We were saving you, love."

Fred propped his legs up on the bench beside him and threw his hands behind his head. George sat down on the other bench and pulled you down into the spot beside him. You gave an exasperated sigh at the twins but couldn't keep the smile off your face.

You leaned into George with your back against his chest while he draped an arm over your waist. He began to play with your hair and murmured, "Fred, you hid our candy, right?"

"Trust me, Georgie, when I tell you that no one is going to find our candy." Fred winked at George, but you immediately widened your eyes, now thinking of some poor first years finding their stash and spending their break puking or changing to odd colors. Fred watched these thoughts pass over your face, and he taunted, "Y/N, stop doubting me so much."

You rolled your eyes and laughed, settling in against George as he began to rub circles into your hand. While the twins were discussing how their latest candies were working on the fellow students, you drifted off to sleep, feeling safe wrapped up in George's arms with your hand in his.


"Y/N, love. Wake up. We're at the station," George's gentle voice drew you from your sleep. You slowly stirred in his arms before you carefully blinked up at him. You were still a little groggy from just waking up, so George helped you to your feet and wrapped an arm around your waist to help support your sleepy frame.

You stepped off the train, and you immediately marveled at the white that coated the earth. It was bright, catching every last drop of light and casting it back towards the people. Holiday decorations and Christmas lights covered every inch of the town once they left the station. You shivered slightly at the bitter wind that cut through the air. You wrapped George's scarf tighter around your neck as he tucked you into his side further to shield you from the wind.

The three of you quickly found the others with Molly and Arthur. Molly rushed forward and yanked all three of you into a hug. You weren't sure how Molly managed to pull it off, but you were determined to learn. Molly's hugs were legendary. They felt like throwing a blanket over your shoulders that was fresh from the dryer, and yet, the blanket always smelled of fresh cookies. You clung onto Molly a little after the boys pulled back, not wanting to lose that warm embrace so soon.

You and Molly eventually pulled apart, and Molly gave you a wide grin, declaring, "The others are waiting. Let's go, shall we?"

You grinned at Harry when you caught his eye. He gave you the start of a smile that just barely crinkled his eyes. Harry broke their eye contact to whisper something to Ron not long after.

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