VIII: "So This is Love"

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[The roof of the Kennedy house, 02:34 AM]

That could've been the millionth time Evelyn had said I love you to the man. So, what's different? — everything. Previously, both parties had assumed the other was merely saying it without any meaning, but now both understood the responsibilities and the possible outcomes of the sentence. Three lines, eight letters; yet, it so unfairly holds a huge impact on a person. Countless numbers of philosophers have tried to uncover the true meaning of love, but none of them guessed right, for every love is unprecedented. Especially for Evelyn, this was — and has always been, her first love. Perhaps for Bobby, too — in a way.

Bobby stopped in his tracks, he reluctantly glanced back to Evelyn. "You mean that, right?" A slight smile on his face. "I've never said it so..." Evelyn was unsure on how to continue. "So desperately before." She blushed. Evelyn wiped away the smudged tears underneath her eyes. "God, you don't know how relieved I am. I never doubted your love, but I thought— maybe, just maybe— you've moved on." Bobby returned to his place beside the girl. He released a long sigh out of his heavy chest. Evelyn's face heated, she couldn't utter another word.

"What are we gonna do now?" Evelyn said. Her eyes roamed their dark surrounding, she tried to avoid looking into the man's eyes — afraid she wouldn't be able to hold back. "We do what lovers do." Bobby's hands reached for Evelyn's face, pulling it closer to his. "And what do lovers do?" The young, impressionable girl shifted closer to Bobby while she gently clasped her palms onto his wrists. "I think they love each other— like there's no tomorrow." Uttered just like a spell, the young man placed Evelyn into a trance — the kind that will take a lifetime to break. It was finished with a final touch — a kiss. The first of the many ones they would share.

The kiss lasted for an eternity to Evelyn, she absorbed Bobby's emotions through his soft and warm lips. The exquisite taste of cigarettes and whisky were mixed in their mouths — the one where a person could never forget. Bobby's touch was silky when he wrapped his arms around the girl, and for the first time in her life, Evelyn felt secure.

"Gosh." Was the only word Evelyn could let out. The damsel laid her sight on Bobby, his eyes shone brighter than the moon itself. Her whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on hers felt nearly forbidden. Bobby pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, insatiable and starving, until she gave in. By the time Evelyn became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under his shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat.

The kiss was black holes pulling Evelyn in until all gravity is lost under Bobby's touch. Adrenaline rushed so much that they nearly forgot to breathe. Bobby gathered the slender girl against him, and they rolled over on the roof, tangled together, still kissing. She was under his full control when he was hovering over her body. Anything could happen: the earth could shatter, the sky plummets, or the moon crashes into them — there would be no flinching. They've waited for what felt like a millennium just for this to happen.

"This can't be where we make love for the first time," Evelyn said as she released the kiss. "I don't care." Bobby, overpowered by his lust and desire, had forgotten people were sleeping under the roof. "It's getting cold. Let's go inside." There were smiles — genuine ones, on the lovers' faces. An abrupt silence followed by chuckles and giggles from the two.

"Bobby, I'm serious. We should get going." And with that being said, Bobby let go of his grips on Evelyn. "Okay, okay. You're right." Bobby's voice strained as he spoke while getting up on his feet. "It is..." The man paused before bringing his left hand closer to his vision. "Christ, it's a quarter after three." Bobby scoffed, he lent his hand to the girl — assisting her.

As they stood on the sturdy roof, Bobby couldn't help himself when his burning desire was set aflame again by Evelyn, he reached for her by the waist from behind. "Bobby, let go..." She may have told him to release her, but her heart was captured by him a long time ago. "You feel like heaven on earth," Bobby whispered with his face brushing against the satin on Evelyn's shoulder. His warm embrace gave Evelyn food for thoughts — she began to ponder on their fate for love.

"Oh, what are we gonna do, Bobby?" Evelyn puffed out. Her fingers caressed Bobby's hands as he was still clutching onto her waist. Feeling like they were the only people in the world, Bobby began to hum a song under his breath. A few moments later, Evelyn thought she recognized the melody, and hummed along with the man.

It couldn't have been more perfect for the two lovers. Though they knew it would be a journey of a lifetime to achieve what they desire, they were ready — or  Evelyn had thought so.


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