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"And it's funny how when somebody saves you, the first thing you want to do is save other people. All other people. Everybody. The kid never knew the man's name. But he never forgot that smile. "Hero" isn't the first word, but it's the first word that comes to mind." Chuck Palahniuk, Choke



"Please," begged Claire suddenly. "Please, you mustn't say a word." Claire could not believe that she had opened her mouth thus. How could she have been so foolish? And to confess such a thing to a gentleman?

The walls of her life were already caving in, but Claire felt as though she were about to be buried under the rubble. It would be moments, mere moments before her mother, her sisters, the whole family found out the truth. They would know what she was, and Claire felt petrified at even the thought.

In a panic, a grief-stricken panic, she had unburdened her heart onto Jack Beresford. Logically, Claire knew that she could not keep such a secret hidden for long, but surely, she would have a little more time. She needed to come up with a story, and excuse, for her pure and utter stupidity at believing ... Claire could not even finish the thought. Thinking about him, seeing his beautiful, cruel face in her mind, hurt her very soul.

For a brief, a very brief moment, Claire believed that she, Grace, and Kate were all going to be happily wed mothers. To have three daughters married and settled, Claire knew that her mother would be so proud to have achieved such a feat without the assistance or dowry from their late father.

Oh, he dear papa. Claire knew that in years to come, she would be glad that her father was not alive so see her like this. But her mother was, and this would kill her. She would die for the shame. Claire was going to disgrace her entire family ... and in a matter of moments.

Claire dared to look up into the hard, hazel gaze belonging to Jack Beresford. She couldn't see his thoughts but for the fixed scowl on his face, and Claire immediately wanted to vanish, to fall through the floor. What he must think of her. He had to be thinking about her stupidity. She was another foolish girl to be so easily deceived into believing a man so far above her might actually be in love with her. Oh, Claire felt wretched, and she couldn't look at Jack for another minute knowing what awful things must have been going through his mind.

She was not oblivious to what Jack Beresford got up to in London. Grace worried about him all the time because Adam worried about him all the time. He, no doubt, probably knew all about girls like her.

"Please," she begged again. "Please, I know what you must think of me," her voice broke, "but you cannot say a word. I will tell them ... but you mustn't out me ... not yet. I need to ... to ..." To what, she didn't know.

"You need to be married. Immediately."

Jack's tone was sharp, quick, determined. So much so that it all but made Claire jump backward in surprise. But it made Claire want to cry again. Yes, that had been what she thought would happen! But he, Arthur, had no intention of marrying her.

"He won't have me," Claire whispered, heartbroken. "No one will. Not now."

"Will you marry me, Claire?"

Claire was quite certain that her heart had stopped beating, her brain had all but melted, and her ears had deafened, for she certainly had not just heard a proposal from Jack. She met his gaze again, staring up at him in utter disbelief.

While Jack's eyes were still hard, Claire did believe that she saw concern and sincerity beyond the anger. Perhaps ... could it be ... that he was on her side?

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