The Art And Torture Of Decision Making

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The Thought Process Behind Decision Making                                                                                   Humans have a complex thought process behind decision making, that is based around our environment, emotions, memories, biases, and memories. We weigh and measure the benefits and costs of our innate decisions and we cope with the consequences, whether it be conscious or unconscious. The factors that limit the ability to make so called "good" decisions include, lack or limited information, urgent or close deadlines, and limited physical and, or emotional resources. When people are placed in familiar situations (such as waking up or brushing your teeth) decisions are often fast or automatic, based on longtime experience, this is known as personal or routine decision making. However, when placed into an unfamiliar situation, like taking your first driving test, one's decision-making may take longer, to consider the consequences, the costs, the benefits, and risks when taking a course of action. In unfamiliar situations, you are more likely to make mistakes and negative decisions, this is known as Tactical decision making. Another form of decision making is taking collected data and information ad using it to make a decision, this is typically used for projects or presentations. An example of this is; you are researching for a project, "do cornflowers grow best without pesticides or without pesticides?", after some amount of time researching, and some amount of researching and information collecting, one might make the decision to come up with the hypothesis that, cornflowers grow best without pesticides. This form of decision making is called data-based decision making.

                                                                 The Torture Of Decision Making

Very few people across the globe have a condition/phobia that causes them to go through the long process of thought every time they make a decision, and, or are afraid of making decisions in general, in some cases they are pushed to having panic attacks when asked to make a decision. This is called Decidophobia.

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