[extra] - little heartbeat 🔞

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a/n: This is an afterwards chapter. It is going to be short, I hope you enjoy. Comment your thoughts away, I'd love to hear from you! Thank you ~



"Thank you so much for letting me join the session Dr.Lee" Ae-Ri bowed as they stepped out the facility with Jungkook's hands gripping hers. "No no, please called me Taemin. Jungkook is like a little brother to me, so you have to be formal with me." he flashed a smile after letting out a chuckle. 

"I'm going to take the car, you can just wait here." Jungkook said as he planted a soft kiss on her hands before hopping away to the parking lot. Ae-Ri blushed as a respond, it feels like a long time since she could feel Jungkook's touch on her, it felt like the first time all over again. Butterflies were wilding in her stomach.

"I'm glad get to finally meet you. Jungkook had told me so much about you." Taemin spoke.

Ae-Ri titled her head in curiosity, "He did?" she asked.

"Yes. You had been his drive for his treatments. Besides the meds and other treatment session we had, you are one of the remedy that works the best on him." He explained.

She giggled as she thought Taemin was just trying to make her feel better, "I see." she commented.

"Really, Ae-Ri... Thank you so much for sticking by Jungkook all this time. He needs you. " He emphasized his tone on the last sentence.

"Thank you for treating him as well, Taemin. He won't be the way he is now if it's not for your professional help too." Ae-Ri smiled and bowed once again as she felt indebt to the young physiatrist. She turned her attention to the car that were parked right on the street at the entrance of the building. Jungkook stepped out from the driver's seat and run around the car to open the passenger's door for Ae-Ri.

"Then, we'll be taking our leave now. I'll come again with Jungkook if I have free time." She said before walking down the short stairs to be greeted why Jungkook who held his hand out only to be caught by hers, he leads her to the car after greeted goodbye to Taemin with a small nod and a smile.


"Thank you so much Mr.Jeon, what a gentlemen you are." Ae-Ri giggled as she sat on the chair that Jungkook pulled out for her. 

"Anything for you, princess." He softly whispered into her ears while his hands gently pushed her chair in.

Ae-Ri's cheeks gained some shade of red and pink while her lips crooked into a smile. Jungkook to his seat opposite of hers, he gave a quick grin before his face were completely blocked with the menu. 

It's been nearly a month since they had the conversation that night. At first, Ae-Ri was feeling a little bit awkward with his touch and his presence. The last time she had her own control over her body when she was with Jungkook was during the first year of their relationship. The next three years were all Ae-Rin. To be honest, Ae-Ri's body was completely used to his touch. But, her heart was not. 

Every time Jungkook hugs her, or kisses her, or just a simple touch of holding hands or tender strokes of her hair; everything he did made her little heart beats uncontrollably. She didn't know if Jungkook notice how she's been avoiding sex with him. It wasn't that she didn't want to, of course she wants to make love with her lover but then again she's afraid of the overwhelming emotions that will drown her.

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