07: lacey

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"Okay, so let me get this straight. You had an internship in Dubai that you just decided one day to quit and come back to New York with no plan?" I ask Dean shocked as he continues cutting the vegetables.

He gives me a slanted smile, "I wouldn't say I had no plan. I knew what I didn't want to do so I think that should count for something." He is slicing the veggies pretty quickly which makes me nervous he's going to cut his finger off.

"I guess that should count for something," I agree, noticing how relaxed Dean is right now.

"Besides, didn't you come to New York with no plan?"

I shrug, picking at the nail polish on my fingernails. "I had a bucket list which was my plan."

"So basically no plan," He jokes causing me to laugh and nod.


He stops chopping to look at me, "What else is on your bucket list?"

Thinking about the list that mostly involves having a boyfriend since we were boy crazy at the time we made it, I'm not quite sure I want to tell him. Ruth and I crossed off a few things on the list, but there were a few that I was pretty firm on leaving open ended.

"I've only known you for two weeks and you think I'm going to spill my bucket list to you?" I tease lightheartedly. I've been taken aback by how quickly Dean has been able to insert himself into my life.

Besides, it's not like I have too many other people to hang out with here. The other secretaries invited me to go out with them the other night where I was filled in on all the office drama.

Dean and I have hung our two more times after his impromptu visit the morning after dinner. He conveniently had a reason to stop by Grayson's office to drop something off from Hayes a few times this week on days where he isn't working. He asked to get lunch after and I can't say I mind it though. He's a really good friend once I get past the physical attraction I have towards him. I can definitely get past that.

He gasps dramatically, "How could you not tell me! How else do you think you're going to accomplish everything?"

I shrug, choosing my next words carefully. "I don't plan to accomplish everything."

"Then what is the point of creating a bucket list?" Dean asks with his jaw hanging.

I smile at him, "To force myself to live life to the fullest. They're possibilities and choices I can make, but not requirements."

"I'm amazed that you're only twenty-three. I think you might be more mature than I am." He shakes his head resuming his chopping.

"Because you're a guy Dean. That is the difference between us," I retort getting off the barstool I'd been sitting on. "Do you need help with anything?"

Dean looks up at me in shock, "You know how to cook?"

"Yes, it's something that everyone should know how to do?"

He immediately puts everything down and steps back. "Shit then you can make dinner."

"What?" I sputter because this was not what I expected. "I have no idea what you're even making!"

Dean laughs moving towards the fridge where he grabs a beer. "I cook almost every meal at the firehouse, and now I'm cooking a meal for you and Linc whenever he gets home. If you can cook then I'll take a break from feeding people."

He does have a point. I can see how it would get annoying after a while. I pull my hair back into a ponytail after we swap spots to where he resumes my seat at the bar while I add the chopped vegetables to a bowl as I start to slice the potatoes. "So how long have you lived here?" I ask because after all the apartment hunting I did before moving here, I'm kind of shocked by how much bigger it is compared to mine.

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