Chapter 22:- A Witch's Potion

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"They have a witch in their wing"

The morning after Scott had tried to force himself on Selena, Xavier had found himself taking strong and confident strides towards the prison where Scott was kept. He had showered in the morning as soon as he woke up and dressed in a simple t-shirt and cargo fits.

Xavier's aura that morning screamed anger and dominance, and the news of what had happened the previous night spread like a wildfire. As a result, when the wolves saw their alpha walking out of the packhouse like he was on a mission, nobody dared to stop him.

Xavier took off from the packhouse and walked straight towards the prison. There were two buildings there. One of them, the prison, was for minor crimes, just to keep the rogues that had crossed into it or if someone from the pack had done something minor.

The other building, the one called the dungeon, was for major stuff - murderers, traitors... that sort. That building almost always remained empty because these prisoners were eventually sent to the prison led by the werewolf council.

Every pack had these two buildings, no alpha wanted to risk a teenager getting a minor punishment to be kept with a murderer or worse. Xavier walked with a straight face, giving nothing away, yet people who had known Xavier well knew that the alpha was fuming.

When he reached the door to the dungeon, the warrior standing guard at it opened the door for their alpha. However, as soon as Xavier stepped inside, he saw Ryan walking out of the far away room.

Xavier didn't stop his feet until he was right in front of his beta. He stayed silent but Ryan knew what his alpha was asking for.

"He is alive. I thought you'd want to talk to..."

Xavier didn't let him finish his sentence, he nodded his head and side-stepped Ryan to enter the room Scott was kept in.

Scott was kneeling on the floor with his head hanging low, his hands were cuffed to the chains hanging from the ceiling.

"There is no law in our pack about what happens to rapists," Xavier said calmly, "You know why?"

Scott remained silent. Xavier wasn't lashing out. This scared him.

"Because no one in our pack has ever tried to rape someone, well, at least till now. As the alpha of this pack, that gives me the liberty to punish you with whatever I see fit."

Scott gulped as Xavier took off his shirt. He had had enough of his clothes getting torn all the time because of random shifts, he didn't need to ruin more with blood.

"Our pack is one of the youngest packs. Laws here were built as we grew, and in the past six hundred years, no one ever dared to do something like this."


"You tried to take advantage of a wolf in heat."

Xavier stood right in front of him. Ryan stood by the door, his face harsh, he didn't move at all. There was no stopping his alpha this time, not that he would have any way to do so in this case.

"She-she called me."

In spite of the tremble in his voice, Xavier didn't believe a single word and Ryan scoffed.

"You are really gonna stick with that excuse after what you told me?" The beta asked now taking a step forward.

"What did you tell him, Scott?" Xavier questioned, his eyes still on Scott. Right at this moment, Scott felt like a prey. His heart still hadn't accepted it, but his brain knew that he was not getting out of this alive. Either he would be sent to the Council Prison, or his alpha would kill him.

Survivor (#1 The Lost Crown Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora