1~ Natalie White

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"Alright kids. Let's begin with the introductions. Miss White why don't you go first?"

"Sure Mrs Haggri- I mean Haggard", I accidentally mocked our largely built, hairy teacher before making my way to the front of the class, while Karla and Mia giggled at my little joke.

"Welcome to all the poo- I mean scholarship students, who are joining us today in California High. My name is Natalie White and I'm the class president", I flipped my blonde locks over my shoulder and fake smiled. I did a once-over of my surroundings to make sure I had everyone's attention and noticed a large brooding figure in the very corner of the classroom, wearing all black, gazing out the window bored, instead of paying attention to me. I was about to hit him with a marker sitting on the table when all of the girls suddenly started whispering and glancing at the door.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I turned to see Josh walking in, fashionably late as always, with a sweat lined football jersey clinging to his abs while running a hand through his damp hair.

"Oh and also one more thing to all the new girls...", I trailed off to skip over to Josh and wrapped my arms around his torso possessively. "This is Joshua and he's my boyfriend, know your place and keep away from him unless you want to face dire consequences", I gave a sickly sweet smile to all the new girls, already drooling at the sight of my boyfriend, all except one. She gives me a bad vibe.

"Okay! I think that's enough Miss White. Please go back to your seat", Miss Haggard snapped at me.

I didn't bother with a reply as I walked with Josh to sit beside him.

"Why don't we have the new kids introduce themselves now? Who would like to go first?", Miss Haggard continued with wasting away the first period, lazy to teach as always.

Finally the girl who gave me bad vibes made it to the front, she had a very demure and timid look as she fidgeted uncomfortably. She just kept standing there for like five minutes without speaking.

"Are you mute?" I simply voiced what everyone's thinking.

"Wh- No.", she suddenly stuttered, met my eyes and then stared at me for the next five minutes. What on earth is she high on?

"Why don't you just tell us your name?" The sound came from next to me. I whipped around to see Josh smiling at her warmly. Okay frick her, What is he high on!?

"Leah. Leah Williams", she spoke up and smiled back at him!

"Yeah and I'm James. James bond. Why don't you shoo off now, huh? You already spent the entire period trying to introduce yourself", I glared at the little Miss-I-have-eyes-for-your-boyfriend.

"Miss White! Stop being impolite!" Mrs Haggard raised her voice at me.

"I'm sorry Mrs Haggard you might have time to waste on introductions and all other unimportant things here instead of actually teaching but I don't really see the point in wasting my time in class to learn about people's names."

Just as I finished my rant, the bell rang. I swiftly threw my original Dior bag over my shoulder and walked out of class in style.

It's really amazing being the Mayor's only child, no one dare messes with me, not even the teachers ever since I got the last one who gave me detention fired.

I waited out the door for my boo as Karla and Mia clinged onto me.
"You really did put Miss Haggrid in her place today", Karla commented giving me a thumbs up while Mia squealed at how I claimed Josh.

Karla and Mia have been my best friends aka minions ever since 6th grade when their dad's started working for my father. They're quite well off too but not as well off as me.

"Why on earth is Josh so late?" I pushed Karla and Mia out of the way as I made my way back into the classroom.

My blood boiled at the sight of Josh speaking to the mute, while the mute was all blush and giggles. If this was a movie, she'd be the protagonist who wins over the high school jock while I be the mean bitch on the side. But lucky for me this is real life and I'll be damned if I let some prissy twit steal my boyfriend from me. This girl messed with the wrong bitch and unlike in fiction...she can't even imagine to bring me down because I am the protagonist of my story.

"There you are babe!" I clinged onto Josh's arm and pecked his lips. "I was looking all over for you"

"You were?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes silly! The coach wants to see you immediately, he told me to call you to the gym. So why don't you run along and see what he needs...hm?", I smiled brightly at him.

"Oh shit! Maybe he wants to discuss the game plan for next week." he was about to walk away but halted mid-step and turned towards the mute, "I'll uh see you around...Leah", he smiled at her and left, completely ignoring me!

"Okay listen here Leah. I don't repeat myself but I'll make an exception for you. Stay. Away. From. My. Boyfriend. Got it?"

"What if your boyfriend doesn't stay away from me?" The mute retorted defensively.

Not going to lie, I was taken aback by the sudden energy in her but I've dealt with worse so she doesn't faze me in the slightest.

"Look the mute got some energy in her mouth", Karla commented on my behalf while Mia stood at the right to me, sporting a glare on her face.

"That's a stupid comeback", Leah glared back at Karla

I snorted at her, "Look here little Leah, You've just proclaimed war so I advise you to hold on tight to your little confidence because it won't be long before you beg at my feet" With that I walked away.

I'm going to tear her down to pieces and have fun watching it.

I walked down the hallway with Karla and Mia on either side of me. The boys stared as always while the girls murmured among themselves. Walking over to my locker, I grabbed my Algebra textbook and checked myself in the locker mirror. Taking out a little comb, I smoothed my straight blonde hair and repinned the Rose hairpin on the side of my head. The thigh high boots I wore went perfectly with my mini plaid skirt and oversized sweater. I could give Ariana a run for her money if I threw my hair in a slicked back ponytail. I'm hot and I don't deny or try to be modest about it because...Why should I?

After grabbing and placing the essentials in my favorite Dior bag, I closed the locker and walked towards my next class as the second bell rang. Making all the students scatter like the wild monkeys they are.

Just as I was about to take a turn at the end of the hallway I bumped into someone hard, it almost threw me off my feet and I struggled to stand upright on my heels. Strong hands soon grabbed onto my waist and held me. I looked up to meet the face of the arrogant bastard who dare not moved out of my way and was surprised to see the all black wearing brooding figure from the classroom earlier.

I took a good look at his face and I should give credits where it's due, this man was hot, so hot that momentarily my anger on him bumping against me went out the window. He had a sharp angular jawline, jet black hair and an olive skin tone while his towering height and toned figure was strained against the black body fit shirt he wore. The arms that held me were flexed proudly showing off his muscles. Yet his eyebrows were furrowed and hard, it gave him a rough edge and a dark aura. Just as my eyes met his, blue against blue, something seemed to click in him as he suddenly removed his hands from under me and dropped me smack down on the abandoned hallway.

A/N: And that's the first chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter publishing on Monday. It'll be in the dude's POV. Hope you enjoy this new book in which I had to do a lot of research to write. As always...Don't forget to vote💕

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