Chapter XXIX

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~Monday 1st January 2018~

Dakota let out a quiet sigh as he stepped under the stream of hot water, his eyelids drooping closed to avoid any droplets blurring his vision. It was nice to feel the warmth spreading over his skin, and the pressure beating down into his muscles, even if it did little to alleviate the tension in his flesh. He tried to relax, honestly he did, but nothing seemed to be working. Not even laying with Vasile, Dakota was just too alert to calm down.

It was still early in the morning, with the dawn sun only just peeking over the horizon, beginning the drag of its daily journey. Dakota had woken long before it even showed signs of rising, however. He hadn't wanted to disturb Vasile, despite the agonising heat that was burning up under his skin. The man slept like a cat, long and deep, Dakota only found himself wracked with guilt whenever he had to wake him early. Especially for something so trivial. Although, he doubted Vasile would agree.

Instead, Dakota had simply laid there in the darkness, attempting to will away the arousal burning in his navel, hoping that will alone would have at least some sort of effect. Sadly, it didn't. Of course not, that would be too easy. Nothing about being a gargoyle seemed to be easy, Dakota found that to be more and more true as the days passed. Thankfully, though, the hot water brought a comfort to the boy, at least giving him a different type of heat to think about, not the one surging under his skin and boiling his blood in his veins. A more pleasant heat.

Reaching out blindly, Dakota poured some shampoo into his hand, running it through his matted curls and massaging it until he felt it lather on his locks. He turned then, so his back was to the stream of water, and stepped into it once again. He continued to rake his fingers through his hair until he felt as though the shampoo had all been washed out, finally allowing his eyes to open once again when there was little chance of getting soap in them. Only to gasp at the sight of a figure lingering in the doorway.

"V, you scared me," Dakota scolded, instinctively dropping a hand down to cover himself. No matter how long he spent with Vasile, no matter how much the man told him that he was beautiful and had utterly nothing to be ashamed of, Dakota still just didn't have the confidence in himself that he knew his lover wanted. Maybe, in time, it would grow, Dakota hoped for that to be true anyhow.

"I don't like waking to an empty bed, kitten," despite having learnt from a young age to hold eye contact with someone when they spoke, Dakota couldn't stop his gaze from drifting down, wandering lazily over Vasile's bare chest. The two slept naked, or with very little clothing, and Vasile hadn't bothered to cover himself with anything when he had risen from their bed. There was a brief thought that flittered through Dakota's head, a worry that someone might walk into the guest cottage that they were staying in, however, it was swept aside when the boy reminded himself that he had been the one to lock the doors that previous night. No one would get in without a key.

"I didn't want to disturb you," Dakota's voice sounded distant as his eyes flickered over Vasile's cock hanging between his legs, before returning to the man's face with a flush rising in his cheeks. At least he could blame the warmth of the bathroom for that if prompted, not that Vasile would mind. He was far more comfortable in his skin than Dakota.

"You didn't sleep," Vasile didn't bother with questioning Dakota, which only caused the boy to cast his eyes down. They had already spoken in some detail about Dakota's sleeping issues, mainly pertaining to that of his insomnia from years ago, but there was always chance it would return. And that tended to be a blinking red light warning the boy that something wasn't right.

"It's just the heat," Dakota moved to collect the towel he had hung just beside the shower, only for Vasile to step forward and stop him. He backed Dakota into the shower, leaving no room for the boy to make his way out. Usually, Dakota would feel rather nervous in such a confined space, trapped almost, yet he felt nothing like that with Vasile. Instead, he felt at ease, if not a little jittery from the close contact, but that was to be expected on that day.

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