Chapter 82 : A Deadlock in the Woods

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Translated by : Shl

Edited by : Anks & Ely


The spring rain fell in a ceaseless drizzle, but this spring season, the Great Jin Dynasty did not experience the vigour of life brought about by the spring rain. Instead, it was enveloped by a thick shroud of gloom. Fortunately, in the capital city, the distribution of congee carried on uninterrupted, and some kind hearted and wealthy merchants had, one by one, joined the group of people donating provisions. The number of troops on garrison duty had doubled, and the trouble-making refugees had dwindled in number. Apart from the continued challenge of daily living, in other aspects there was not much difference between the time before the flood crisis and the present.

The citizens had neither food enough to eat or clothes enough to keep warm, and were even less likely to pay heed to major events in the imperial court. Despite this, the news of General Guan's triumphant return had still recently become the most talked-about topic all throughout the capital city. The courageous and skillful army led by Guan Liang Han would reach the capital that very night.

However, the Guan Liang Han who was on the tip of everyone's tongues was currently sitting in Dong Feng Lou, merrily drinking a cup of a recent vintage of Guanshan pear wine. Beside him, Mo Cong said, "Second Brother, the entire capital city knows that you are returning tonight. You're really not going to put on a show?"

"False appearances," Guan Liang Han said with a scoff. "I returned to the capital city much earlier, what show should I put on? If we keep talking about it further it will eventually be night time anyways, and who really cares about such things? Only idiotic people who make a big fuss over nothing."

Mo Cong shrugged his shoulders and said, "The rain is so heavy. Who knows where they are at this moment and whether they will be able to reach the capital on schedule."

"Don't worry." Guan Liang Han wiped his mouth. "My subordinates are no pushovers, even if the rain were heavier, it would be no problem. Right now, they should have reached Wulin (Black Forest) Road."

Wulin Road was not an official road. The official road had been inundated by the rising water a few days ago, and so the horses could not get through. Wulin Road wound through a vast forest of ebony trees, stretching on for miles, and the terrain was complicated. The trees were lush and grew in profusion, and if one were not careful, it would be easy to lose one's sense of direction. Moreover, there were wild beasts roaming around in the forest. However, the entire army was there, so it would not be an issue. Guan Liang Han tilted his head, poured wine into his mouth and said carelessly, "Just wait without worrying about it."

* * *

In the Jiang fu, Jiang Ruan was lost in thought as she sat by the window watching the falling rain. For some inexplicable reason, she had been feeling uneasy from the time she had woken up early in the morning. Although she had been able to suppress the feeling, it still rendered her slightly preoccupied.

Lian Qiao hurried in and said, "Miss, this maidservant saw an unfamiliar old woman entering Yan Hua Yuan. She looked very happy when she left, and the people in Yan Hua Yuan seemed particularly jubilant as well."

Jiang Ruan eyes leapt. She asked, "Are you sure?"

Lian Qiao nodded. Jiang Ruan said, "I'm going out straightaway. Bai Zhi, Lian Qiao, come with me. Lu Zhu, you stay in the fu; if that side asks, I have gone out with Miss Wen to select some jewellery."

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