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"I DON'T REMEMBER this way," Susan admitted as they continued down the slope hill, holding onto the rocky siding next to them before they could fall.

"That's the problem with girls," Peter glanced back with a grin. "You can't carry a map in your heads."

Lucy scoffed. "That's because our heads have something in them."

"Yeah, besides common sense," Wren chimed in. "We also have a brain. Two of which things the entire male species lacks."

The girls chuckled to themselves, and Susan lowered her voice to a whisper. "I wish he'd just listen to the DLF in the first place."

"DLF?" Edmund asked from behind.

Lucy smiled mischievously. "Dear Little Friend."

They came to a stop once there was no where else to go, they were now completely surrounded by tall rocks. "I'm not lost," Peter said.

"No," Trumpkin shook his head. "You're just going the wrong way."

"You last saw Caspian in the Shuddering Woods. And the quickest way there is to cross at the River Rush."

"But, unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts."

"That explains it then. You're mistaken."

"Okay, look," Wren interrupted. "You guys haven't been here for hundreds of years. He has. Terrain changes over time, so maybe at once there was a crossing path here, but not anymore. I say we listen to the person who's actually been in these parts more recently compared to you." Peter just clenched his jaw, and turned away, leading them down a different path. Trumpkin was looking at her weirdly again, and she met his gaze with her own questioning one. "Do you want to take a photograph? It might last longer."

"Whatever that means," Trumpkin shook his head, and followed after Peter. The rest of them had no choice but to do the same. They were soon stood hundreds of feet over the flowing river below them, and it was obvious that Peter realized in that moment that Trumpkin had been correct.

"Is there a way down?" Edmund wondered.

"Yeah. Falling."

"Aslan?" Lucy randomly asked, and Wren followed her gaze to across the river. "It's Aslan! Look, over there!" But when she pointed, there was nothing but trees. Lucy stepped forward, and the ground suddenly collapsed beneath her. They all screamed her name, only to discover she'd only fallen about a foot. They peered down to see the staircase that led to the river.

"That was easy," Wren commented, and she quickly hopped down after Lucy, her footsteps barley making a sound due to her padded shoes.

It didn't take them long to cross over, but Wren did manage to lose her balance a few times thanks to the slippery rocks. Before she knew it, the six of them were back on the hill, this time just on the opposite side of the river. It was nearly nightfall by the time they reached the grass again, and Wren fell onto the soft ground with a yawn. The others followed in suit, each of them all looking equally as tired.

Trumpkin got a fire started for them, and Wren found herself falling asleep as she watched the flames dance around. And within seconds she was out like a light.

She woke the next morning to the sound of swords clashing loudly, and she bolted upright, shaking Susan awake when she realized that Peter and Lucy weren't there. With her heart pounding, she didn't wait for the other girl to finally wake up, and she rushed towards the sound. She froze at the sight of Peter and a boy sigh long black hair, dueling in the middle of the forest, and a crowd of all different creatures were now forming around them.

Very suddenly, like it was moving it slow-motion, Wren felt a blade press tightly to her throat, and she was lying on the ground, staring up at a mouse. Lucy cried out, gaining the attention of the two fighting men. "Stop!"

"You're a mouse," she whispered in disbelief, and the mouse heaved a sigh.

"You people are so unoriginal. Remove your sword from our prince's chest, and maybe I'll consider not slitting her throat."

"No, no," Peter reasoned gently. "Let her go. She's done nothing wrong."

"We don't go around killing people," the other boy said in a thick accent Wren couldn't recognize. "Unhand her at once."

Immediately, the blade fell from her throat, and she coughed just as Lucy ran to her side, helping pull her up. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Wren answered, still looking at the new boy, who hadn't taken his eyes off of her, either. "Fine."

Peter looked back to the boy. "Prince Caspian?"

"Yes? And who are you?"

"Peter!" Susan yelled, arriving with Edmund and Trumpkin. She looked around in surprise, clearly not having expecting all of the audience before them.

"High King Peter," Caspian realized, reading the sword.

"I believe you called."

"Well, yes, but... I thought you'd be older."

Peter straightened. "If you like, we could come back in a few years-"

"No," Caspian interrupted. "That's all right. You're just... You're not exactly what I expected." His dark gaze landed on Wren again, and she could've sworn she saw a spark of recognition flash beneath his lashes.

"Neither are you," Edmund stated.

"A common enemy united even the oldest of foes," someone said from the crowd, and Wren was only surprised for a second when she realized it had been a badger that spoke. She was in freaking Narnia. Of course there were talking animals.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my Liege," the same mouse from earlier said. "Our hearts and swords are at your service. Sorry about the threat, Miss..."

"Wren," she replied, and Caspian looked disappointed for a moment, as if he were expecting a different name. "And it's...okay?"

"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade," Peter mused, smiling.

"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army, Sire."

"Good," Peter nodded. "Because we're going to need every sword we can get."

"Well, then," Caspian straightened, holding out Peter's sword. "You will probably be wanting yours back."

His face flashed in annoyance before he snatched the blade out from the prince's hands, and with one long look in his direction, they began to walk again.

authors note

peter and caspian were so dramatic here and for what🙄

WAR OF HEARTS ━ prince caspian xWhere stories live. Discover now