Ranboo and the Endermen

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Tommy felt bad for Ranboo because the End was banned here, but Tommy knew they could find each other if needed through endermen. When Tommy had first seen Ranboo he was talking to some endermen. Tommy was surprised and delighted when he found Ranboo to be like him. Tommy had run up to Ranboo waving, Tommy had no weapons on him. Honestly the only thing he had on him was some baked potatoes. The endermen didn't aggravate when Tommy came near, they just bowed and allowed him next to Ranboo.

Once Tommy had stood next to Ranboo he asked, "Are you like me?" Ranboo only gaped, why had the endermen stepped aside for someone other than him? "Are you a keeper too?" Was the question that followed. Ranboo paused at that and said, "I'm the keeper of the End are you a keeper?" "Yeah! I'm the keeper of the Nether." Came the excited answer. Ranboo almost cried at that. The keeper of the Nether was the person with the most pain in their soul. Ranboo listened for Tommy's soul, since all the keepers of a dimension could do it, and what he heard made the tears that had gathered fall.

Tommy was confused, why was Ranboo crying? So he asked, "Why are you crying?" "T-tommy your soul. Why does it cry like that?" "My... soul?" Tommy said confused. "Have you not learned to hear souls?" "No, could you teach me?" Tommy had left his brave act behind, here was a person Tommy knew he could truly trust. This was someone like him.

Tommy knew that the Nether keeper was the one with the most pain, but he also knew that the End keeper has the second most pain.

Ranboo spent that night and the next morning teaching Tommy to hear souls, Tommy picked it up very quickly. When Tommy heard his own soul his eyes lit up. "My soul's cries sound so beautiful!" Ranboo smiled and nodded, the cries did sound beautiful. But the one with the most pain is often the most beautiful. They spent the next few nights together, since neither of them slept, and they taught each other the languages of their dimension. But one night Ranboo asked, "Tommy? When did you become a keeper?" "When I was 4 I think, it was the first time I was in the Nether and they all treated me so kindly." "That's sad. It means your soul cried out like that very young, but it's not like I have a right to say anything. I became the End keeper when I was 5." "How about we tell each other how we became a keeper then? That can be what we do tonight." Ranboo nodded as Tommy told his story.

Ranboo was crying within the first few minutes, how could he not? Tommy's mother had died giving birth to him and his father had left him at the hospital. Tommy didn't have a family until Phil found him. Tommy had a decently happy childhood after that, but he also said the cries never ceased. Tommy talked about how he thought the Nether was so pretty and he said it made sounds like his soul, he talked about how it had called out to him. Ranboo was speechless as Tommy told his story.

Tommy's story of betrayal.

There wasn't anything else to it, all of it ended with a betrayal. From his family's betrayals, Eret's betrayal, to Tubbo's decision to probably exile him. Ranboo understood some about betrayal, but if you asked him for a detailed explanation he wouldn't be able to give it. But Tommy could. Tommy lived in a world of hurt. There was nothing Ranboo could do except be his friend and tell his own story.

So he did.

Ranboo started to tell his story of a search for a home. Ranboo didn't remember much of his early childhood. He knew that he had been put in an orphanage, but he didn't remember much from then. The only thing he did remember was a longing for a home, a place he could go to and truly feel safe. When Ranboo was 5 a group of people came to the orphanage looking for him. They had black suits and were big. Ranboo was scared so he ran. He ran out of the orphanage and through the forest. The men had started to chase Ranboo.

Ranboo was chased for months. Till one day he found a cave. Ranboo ran into the cave and found that it led down. Ranboo panicked and kept going further down. There were several places where the cave branched off, but Ranboo kept going down. He felt something pulling him down there.

Ranboo heard the men behind him so he sped up. He was going further down and faster. Eventually he found the stronghold, he didn't know it was that back then, Ranboo was scared of the men finding him and the unfamiliar stone was beginning to feel more familiar, so he ran into the structure. Ranboo could hear the distress in the men's voices as he ran. Ranboo didn't know where he was running to but he could feel a pull and he would go anywhere to escape those men.

When Ranboo ran into the room he could feel the pull from he saw a portal lit up, but where the eyes were supposed to be there weren't any. Ranboo only saw one eye and it was half green and half red. Ranboo didn't have time to really analyze this at the moment because the men were coming closer and the portal felt so cold, so nice. Ranboo decided to go in, what was the harm? He was being chased by strange men and he desperately wanted a home.

So Ranboo jumped in the portal. What he didn't see on the other side was the portal close and the eye pop out of existence. When Ranboo made it to the End he was immediately welcomed. The endermen taught him their language and using it he told them stories about the wilderness he had run through.

One day they asked if he would want to be connected to them forever, Ranboo said yes. They branded him on his upper back, but much like Tommy there was no pain. Only peace. They gave him a home and taught him stuff, in return Ranboo would tell them stories about the overworld.

That was how they lived until Ranboo saw Dream kill the Ender Dragon. Ranboo was devastated. The endermen told him to go and see the other world again. Ranboo told them he would bring them with him and he did. So all of the endermen respected and listened to him in this world too.

Ranboo also told Tommy that he could teleport on his own so he didn't need any ender pearls and just seeing an endermen injured or killed made him sick. Tommy promised he wouldn't kill any endermen that day. He has kept that promise.

They also found out that since they could speak to endermen, and the endermen respected both keepers, they could ask the endermen to send messages back and forth. Ranboo kept talking with Tommy during his exile through the endermen and Tommy was grateful.

So that was why Ranboo was standing here at the edge of L'manburg in the middle of the night with an endermen in front of him and a note from Tommy to him in his hands. Ranboo thanked the endermen and walked off to read the letter, even though he knew what it would say.

1249 words

Over 1k reads now, thank you all so much! I truly can't say how grateful I am. At the start I was posting this story because I thought it would be fun and the most views I could imagine it getting would be twenty. Thank you all so much and I hope you all enjoy this chapter, we got some Ranboo here!

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