First Day

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**** evening of Friday, February, 21 2020****

"So how was the interview, did you get the job?" Elena greets you from her the sofa as you walk into her loft.

"I got it!", you scream as you and Elena do a happy dance in the middle of the room. "I told you you'd get the job, especially with your experience being a TA in school, which is basically the same thing," Elena says as she follows you to your room.

You begin to undress yourself so you can slip into your pajamas, and Elena asks, "so how was he? the 'man of your dreams' as you'd call him since I've known you all these years".

You laugh at her tease and give her a slight push. "He is just as charming as he seems on his interviews, but there's an intensity about him that I can't describe."
"Yeah all those interviews, poetry readings, and whatnot that you can't seem to stop binge watching all the time," Elena says giggling. "Though how long before, you know...", she says as her raises her eyebrows.

"Before what?" you ask confused. "Before you fuck him!" Elena yells.
"Oh no, none of that will be going on Elena. I just got this job, I can't afford to lose it. Wait, have you fucked your boss?!"you ask.

"My boss is married y/n, I couldn't possibly do that. Though, if he wasn't I'd try to at least make a move. Which is why you're lucky because Tom is single" she winks as she replies. "Well, like I said, I can't afford to lose my job", you say to Elena as you sit on your bed.

In all honesty, the thought of being in that position with Tom has been on your mind since the whole car ride back. You can't seem to stop thinking about his eyes, voice, his big, strong hands grabbing at your chin, and his damn pelvic area teasing you when he stood by you as you were sitting.

"Well I am going to bed now Elena, it's my first day tomorrow and it's going to be a long day as he has an event," you tell Elena as you start making your way under the covers. Elena walks out and says, "Goodnight y/n, and enjoy your day tomorrow."

You stay up in bed and flashes about your interview come to mind. You feel a warmth take over your body and start feeling overcome with ecstasy and desire. You start to take care of yourself to tame those feelings so you can be ready for the next day.

****Saturday, February 22, 2020****

You walk into Tom's house with some tea from a local cafe and as soon as you come through the doors, he is walking downstairs in active wear. "Damn, is there anything this man can wear that doesn't make him look sexy," you think to yourself.

"Good morning Mr. Hiddleston. I brought you some tea", you say as you extend the cup over to him. "Good morning y/n. Please let's not be too formal, call me Tom. How was your evening?",he asks. Of course you wouldn't tell this man that you got off to the thought of him last night, truth be told, it wasn't your first time doing so. In short you reply, "It was very pleasant."

Reaching for your notepad, you tell him, "I already confirmed the limo for your event tonight and it should be here around 5p.m. I scheduled it that early so you can have enough time to walk down the red carpet, get your picture taken and maybe sign autographs along the way."

"Thank you y/n. 'I'll be heading to gym right now, but if you could go to Gucci and pick out a suit for me, that would be a great help", Tom says.

"Pick out? As in select the suit myself", you ask nervously. "Why yes, you said so yourself that you know me well, now this is the opportunity to put that knowledge to the test", Tom says smiling as he walk towards the door to leave. He turns around as he is half way out the door, "I have faith you can do this y/n" grins and leaves.

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