Axl Rose - Feel Better

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"Michelle, what happened to us?" Vince said annoyed. "Nothing happened to us Vince. We are just moving on with our own lives." Michelle said back. "I wish you never joined that stupid band." Vince says getting angry. "Are you serious right now!? Accept that I'm in a band. The fact that you don't want me to be successful with my own life is disappointing. Goodbye Vince." Michelle cried as she left his house.

After her breakup with Vince, she didn't feel the same anymore. Michelle missed him dearly and because of that, alcohol had become her best friend.

"Michelle, you should cut out on the drinks. We have to go live soon. Not only are you playing bass your also singing. We can't have you mess up." Her band mate says trying to take her Jack Daniels bottle away. "Lay off will you? I'll be fine." Michelle says taking a swig again.

As soon as Michelle and her band went on stage, everything was completely different for her. From afar she could see Vince and his buddies at the back of the bar talking, not paying any attention to her. The feelings of emptiness roamed throughout Michelle's body. She wanted to say she was sorry to Vince and start things over again, but she realized he was over her the minute she saw him making out with a random girl.

"Michelle we have to start playing now!" Her band mate yelled at her. She could barely sing anymore, and she was playing the wrong rhythms when she played. Vince didn't look at her once, which broke her heart. "Hey everyone since we're done playing and we have to go, I wanted to let everyone know that Vince Neil is an asshole!" Michelle yelled out, before collapsing on the stage.

"Is she up? She better be!" The voices of Michelle's bandmates surrounded her mind as she woke up with a terrible hangover. "What happened?" Michelle asked as she rubbed her forehead. "You should remember Michelle! You have been acting way out of line ever since you and Vince broke up!" Her band mate yelled at her. "Michelle... we're gonna have to let you go... for now. Until you clean up your act. We can't have bad performances every time we hit the stage." Her other band mate said calmly. "You know what...? Forget the both of you guys! Everybody I've met and trusted just turn out to be complete assholes. Don't expect me to come back." Michelle yelled as she got up and left.

With nowhere to go, Michelle decided to go to the one place that she dreaded going. The Hell House. People were always drunk at the Hell House. People would say there was a two to one chance you would end up leaving the place with crabs. It wasn't her scene, but desperate for a a place to stay, the Hell House was her only option.

When she arrived at the Hell House, it looked completely trashed. The lawn to the place was filled with garbage, and groups of drunks filled the deck. Michelle stepped inside the house, expecting to see swarms of people, and she got what she expected. People were arguing, rising bands were practicing in corners, when the owners of the house greeted her.

"Hi. I'm Ed. People call me 'Red Ed'. This is my girlfriend." He said as the lady waved to her. "This place isn't that ideal, but if your desperate this is your only choice." She says. "Well hello. I'm Michelle. I won't be here for long.... so yeah." She says nervously. "Do you have any good job ideas. You know one that'll get me out of here faster?" Michelle asked. "Well there is a job you can try and take up. There's always strip clubs." Red Ed suggested.

The strip club scene didn't seem too bad for Michelle, she just didn't want to do it.

What if Vince finds me? What would he say?

"Do you think they'll take someone who can work the bar?" Michelle asks. "I'm pretty good at fixing drinks." She continued. "Maybe. I know a guy who can help you." He says. "Slash! Get over here!" Ed yelled.

In came a tall man, with beautiful curly hair, that covered his eyes, actually no- it covered his whole face. He was stumbling so he was probably drunk.

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