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Shiva's pov

Time is already 3 but Sleep is far away for me. I can't even digest that thing Navi gone through. It's all because of me. I know we don't cry over spilled milk. But I can't leave the one who did this all. I went outside there Arjun standing in a garden. I know how he's. Seriously I don't know why Arjun talking with Piya like that. I'm sure he has some other reason but why he didn't tell me that reason. He loves her I hope he understood that

Hey! I said. His eyes is reddish.

What are you doing here? He asked

Same too you, I said

To be open I feel guilty for you and Navi, he said

Only for me and Navi? I asked

He looked other side. I don't want to dig that

Wanna to catch a culprit? He asked..

No doubt, I said seriously.

Let's make a plan, he said. We went to terrace room where we discuss our business plans

I have some doubt after talking with Piya today, he said. I nodded

First Navi is very happy when she came to marriage Hall day before your marriage. She was happy till night but after receiving a message from you she went to meet you. Then only everything is started, he said. I was shocked

I don't messaged her anything that night, I said.

I guessed that. Then someone deliberately wanted to meet her, he said

But how he get my mobile? I asked

That's my question. If someone have your phone then they definitely in our closed circle. Who's that? Do you remember anything? He asked

Not sure, I said

Navya meet that person then he/ she convinced or threatened her, he said.

That's what my doubt Arjun. If he threatened her then she definitely shared with me but why she didn't said anything? I asked

What if they emotionally blackmailed her? He asked

Still whatever it is how can she did that? I asked but this time I whispered

Everyone has their own weakness Shiva. I'm sure they must know Navi clearly. They blackmailed her with that. But one thing I'm sure he /she must close to you, he said

Not only to me. They're well known or followed Navi before my engagement onwards. Because that day the photos they showed was all Navi friends and colleagues. It's well planned, I said

He nodded.

But he/ she not left her afterwards too. They followed her. Remember Piya's words wherever they goes they come to know about Navi even some try to misbehaved with her, I said clenching my fist

Then they shifted to Mumbai without anyone's knowledge. But one day she try to do suicide. Why? Is someone behind that too? He asked

Why they followed her that much? If they're tried to stop our marriage then it's happened right then why they did that? What are the reason for that? I asked

May be they're having a fear that she tells the truth, he said.

But I think it's not only the reason. But I don't know what it is. It's my instinct, I said

Then we have to discover that too, he said. I sighed

Do you have anyone in your mind? He asked

I shaked my head as no.

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