Chapter 4

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~Choromatsu POV~

I sigh as I watch Osomatsus movements. I put down my food, getting up and walking over to him. He was already drooling. "Get your dead self upstairs, I'll bring you food in a minute" I said, trying to get him upstairs.

Osomatsu growled as he did his best to follow orders, I had to help him half way up the stairs. Once up stairs I sat him down next to Jyushimatsu. "Make sure he stays up here" I said with a bored expression. I got some grunts in response as I went down stairs to get his dinner.

I moved the fridge out of the way, getting to the trap door that was underneath it. I opened the door and walked down the stairs. Once down the I opened a secondary fridge and grabbed a leg. I went back up the stairs and threw the leg in the oven, heating it up to body temperature. While that was heating up and closed the cellar door and scooted the fridge back in place. I then cleaned the floor of any scratch marks. The oven dinged and I turned it off, putting the now bleeding leg in a dish.

I brought the human leg up to Osomatsu and gave it to him, making him dig in. He ate the flesh and even bone. I went back down stairs and cleaned up any blood.

I then went to finish my food, which was roasted bugs in steak which was on rice, but before I eat I hear a groan from behind me, i sigh as i turn back to my human form. I could hear the human start freaking out, most likely cuz he was in a new place.

~Third POV~

(M/N) was freaking out because he didnt know where he was. He heard the sliding door open, he turned, seeing Choromatsu look at him with concern.

(M/N) blushed slightly, thinking that Choromatsu was pretty cute but then scolded him for having such gay thoughts at this moment. "W-where am I? Who are you?" He asked, stuttering slightly. Choromatsu smiled slightly "My brother had found you in a alley way, in the cold. He brought you here so you wouldn't have died in the cold. As for who I am, i am Choromatsu. What's your name?" He asked, sounding friendly and had a welcoming aura. "I'm (M/N)" (M/N) said softly, relaxing slightly. "Well, (M/N), do you have a place to stay?" Choromatsu asked, which in a response the human shook his head.

Choromatsu sighed and thought for a bit, looking at the humans clothes, then noticed a cake in his hands. (I forgot to say that they had the cake the whole time so just roll with it) "you must have at least had a place to live" Choromatsu said, walking over to the human then sitting next to the him.

"I used to, until my boyfriend cheated on me with someone else. I didn't even get any of my stuff from the house yet." (M/N) said, smiling sadly. Choromatsu hummed, thinking. "Do you have a job?" He asked, which the human nodded. "How about you stay here until you can at least get a house, and one of my brothers could help get you your stuff back. But in return with you staying here you pay for your own stuff plus a portion of the water and electricity bill" Choromatsu said.

In (M/N)'s eyes, Choromatsu looked like a angel, offering you a hand. The human nodded, smiling softly "I wont let you down!" The human said. Choromatsu nodded "now let me talk to my brothers about this" he said, getting up and leaving, going upstairs.

Choromatsu entered the room, Todomatsu was just sitting down in there, and closed the door. "The human will be staying with us until they find a house, they have a job and agreed to pay for there own stuff. The reason they dont have a house was because he was cheated on by his boyfriend and his boyfriend is the one that owns a house." Choromatsu explained.

The first one to regect was Karamatsu. "I dont think that's a wise idea bru-" before he could finish he was interrupted with Ichimatsu hitting the back of his head. "All we need to do is not eat around them and control ourselves around them, Shittymatsu, it shouldn't be that hard" Ichimatsu grumbled out, Karamatsu rubbing his head with a whimper.

Todomatsu hums "we could try to get with him once hes gotten over his ex. I do think hes kinda cute" he said. Choromatsu sighed "that's if he accepts us, if not then we have to either kill him or just keep him in the cellar, we cant have him going around telling the cops that we aren't eating normal food or something" he said. Everyone nodded, agreeing. "I'll do my best to control myself around the human" Osomatsu said, rubbing under his nose. Choromatsu nodded then went down stairs, going to the human.

"They have no problem with you staying here, I'll get the spare room set up for you" he said with a smile as he went to the spare room to set things up while (M/N) enjoyed his cake.

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