10- A Monster in the Flesh

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The only good thing about the Gifted nobles and ladies that attended the Summer Harvest Ball was that their thirst for new drama and gossip was one that was never satisfied. Marlowe and Kess's quarrel was quickly forgotten about as rumors sparked over which lords were making fools of their wives by dancing with their mistresses, and whether or not they should expect an arrival from the Shadow King later in the night.

Among these insignificant conversations, the gall of the barefoot Garner Champion was quickly forgotten.

The beginning of the Harvest Ball started promptly as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon. Lanterns were lit and the doors were flung open to embrace the last of the summer's warmth. Representatives of the non-Gifted villages eagerly climbed the stairs to the castle. This was the only day their kind were invited to enter the Nature Court without it involving the chains of the Garner.

I steeled myself as I climbed the stairs alone. Porter and I both agreed it would be better if I walked in alone without the escort of an Ember Royal Guard. The less guarded I appeared, the less speculative glances I would earn. At least that was our logic.

I had forgotten that it didn't matter how hard I tried to remain invisible. People glanced my way regardless, noting everything from my entrance by myself to my feet that were still bare. I felt my breathing grow more ragged as my palms began to sweat. When I felt the gentle press of a hand on my back, I practically jumped.

"Lady Heatherfield," It was Orion who was watching me carefully. "I would be honored if you joined me for the first dance."

    I nodded my head gratefully, accepting his outstretched arm, relieved to have a chance to talk to him. The music started playing as we entered the extravagant ballroom which was already swarming with people. Orion's hand rested respectfully at my waist and his easy nature was enough to fool any onlooker.

"How have you been, Lady Heatherfield?" He asked politely.

I made sure my smile was still plastered to my face before answering him. "It is an adjustment to say the least. I'm still not used to having someone else prepare my eggs for me."

He nodded in amusement. "My wife insists on ensuring that at least one day each week, we make dinner together ourselves. It's almost always the worst meal of the week, but the time spent together with her and my daughter Vasanta makes up for the flavor tenfold."

I nodded, forcing a smile to my face and an air of casualty as I responded. "My sister has always been the one to make whatever possible meals she could with what we had in the cabinet, even if it was only a few slices of bread and old jam."

Orion's eyes narrowed at the topic of my sister, signifying that he understood exactly why I had brought her up. He casually glanced around the room as we continued dancing but everyone seemed to be keeping a respectful distance away from us. "I see, and have you heard from her since your departure from the Nature Court?"

My head tilted in confusion at the question. He knew I hadn't, so why was he asking?

"Unfortunately not, Your Majesty," I replied, my voice low enough that someone would have had to have exceptional hearing abilities to pick up on our conversation. "In fact, I was hoping you might know something about her whereabouts."

He glanced to the floor in nervousness. "Then I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Miss Heatherfield. I haven't seen your sister since the day of the final trial."

I sucked in a sharp breath, forgetting for a moment that we were dancing and it was only through Orion's gentle guidance that I continued, my head flooding with panic. "What do you mean?" I pressed further. "You promised me you'd protect them-"

The Art of Blood and Power (Book 2 in The Gifted Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now